ANNOUNCEMENTS - Monday, May 6, 2024
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Fear is temporary. Regret is forever.
SAT Word of the Day:
edict – n. an official order
Last Friday, Mr. McLaughlin issued an EDICT that seniors need to empty their lockers by the end of the day Monday.
SENIORS please make sure nothing is left in or on your locker following today.
Let's fill the BLUE CART for our hungry sisters and brothers.
Tomorrow check-out the tables outside Fr. Ronald's office. More information to follow.
Last Supper Club outing to Chan's Garden Mongolian Grill. Sign-up sheet on board near Fr. Ronald's office.
Anyone interested in being a football assistant this fall??! There will be an informational meeting in Coach Eustice’s Room 224 Tuesday May 7 during Homeroom.
Attention: Everyone interested in golfing next year we have a mandatory meeting in the fish bowl Tuesday during homeroom.
All Ambassadors - we will meet during homeroom Wednesday 5/8. Bring your planner.
Weston Heersink and Emma Smudzinski, check your emails and fill out the survey sent to you by Mr. Steben NOW.
Seniors- please check your email for a message from Mrs. Theisinger! Thank you.
A yearbook survey about prom will be sent out today to juniors and seniors today. Please complete so prom music list can me made.
Emerald De La Torre, Jillian Pinter, Miranda Torres, Mae Hagenbuch, Lili McClain, and Lily Bosnich, please see Mr. Steben in the Loft.