Daily Announcements - Monday, December 14, 2020
Marcia Wagner
Becoming-the-best-version-of-yourself will require courage and risk.
Lectio session tomorrow for group three. Check display in science center for your name.
Please consider bringing in food items for those hungry in our area.
Thanks to all who made a donation on Friday to benefit the hungry of our area.
Thanks also to all who wore an Ugly Christmas Sweater.
Tomorrow is FAVORITE TEAM DAY! Wear your jersey, t-shirt, or sweatshirt of your favorite team with Dennis Uniform bottoms!
This week’s semester exam schedule:
o Wednesday, December 16th – Periods A through C – Dismiss 11:20
o Thursday, December 17th – Periods D through F – Dismiss 11:20
o Friday, December 18th – Periods G & H – Dismiss 10:09