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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Thursday, September 14, 2023

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Suffering gives birth to wisdom or foolishness. It's up to you.

❖ SAT Word of the Day:

➢ yield – v. surrender, give way to pressure

■ The senator would YIELD her time to the gentleman who wished to speak after her.

❖ Freshmen running for SBASG: petitions must be turned into Miss Brady by 2:40 today.

❖ Freshmen elections are tomorrow! Votes must be submitted by 1pm. Freshmen, please check your email tomorrow and make sure to vote!

❖ Homecoming tickets will be on sale next Monday-Thursday. Tickets are $10 and will be available for purchase at lunch.

❖ Join SBASG in decorating the school for homecoming week! SBASG will host its Pomp Party on Tuesday, September 19th at 6pm in the student refectory.

❖ Variety show sign ups are looking great! If you are interested in being part of the show please join the Google classroom and fill out the google form. The links were emailed Monday. Questions: See Mrs. Griggs.

❖ Come join the Bruin Football Team at their 2nd Annual Hogfest at the Outdoor Shelter this Saturday from 4-8. $12 gets you a pulled pork sandwich, two sides, dessert, and water. Dine with us or carry out. Stay and watch some football on the big screen with us! See Coach Eustice or any football player for tickets. Tickets are also available at the door!

❖ The Father Marquette Knights of Columbus Tootsie Roll drive is this Saturday & Sunday at the round-about-entry to Utica. Students will be positioned at the Casey's and Shell gas stations. Proceeds from the drive benefit our local Special Olympics' athletes, Horizon House, and Starved Rock Development - formally known as Easter Seals. Please go to Mr. Davy's room 227 to sign up for this wonderful cause.

❖ Softball players who are not helping on the football team need to sign up for the concession stand. Halftime and third quarter need 8 more volunteers!!! Please sign up today.

❖ Tomorow during homeroom the following are asked to meet in Fr. Ronald's office: Jenna Ladzinski, Olivia Orteza, Amy Tran, Zach Popurella, Logan Potthoff, Ryan Slingsby, Analia Sala, Grace Millington, Phillip Gray, Abraham Wiesbrock.

❖ We still have room on the buses for football players and cheerleaders to invite Trinity and Peru Catholic students to Friday’s football game. Interested? See Mr. Steben during homeroom today!


❖ Addison Derlein please see Mrs. Hurst now.

❖ Check your emails! If you received an email from Mrs. Rapp, please report to the Refectory.

❖ Any seniors willing to help out Mrs. Nambo at tomorrow night’s football game please report to her office during homeroom.