ANNOUNCEMENTS - Tuesday, May 16, 2023
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Freedom is not the ability to do whatever you want. Freedom is the strength of character to do what is good, true, noble and right.
On Wednesday, 5/17, during home room, there will be a BRIEF Girls Basketball Meeting in the Refectory at 10:10am. All returning Girls Basketball Players are asked to attend.
The final Last Supper Club outing of the year is Tomorrow to Mickey's Massive Burrito in La Salle. Get your name on the sign-up sheet near Fr. Ronald's office.
Any girl interested in being a stat girl for the football team this fall meet in Coach Eustice’s Room 224 Wednesday during Homeroom.
Everyone interested in golfing next session we will have a meeting on Wednesday during homeroom and afterschool in the Golf Room.
Will the following students please see Ms. Bernabei TODAY:
Jazmin Barreras, Lorelei Denny, Tyler Jordan, Henry Mertel, Addie Mitchell, Anna Rudenko, Paige Tomaseski, Isabel Verucchi, and Coco Wu