ANNOUNCEMENTS - Monday, October 21, 2024
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SAT Word of the Day:
None today - delayed release
Congratulations to Phil Gray for winning DAR and Jake Migliorini for winning SAR. The DAR/SAR Citizenship winners exemplify the following qualities: Leadership, Dependability, Service, and Patriotism in school, home, and community. Well done, as this is a big honor!
Bruin Learning Center is in need of more peer tutors, specifically in science. You will receive service hours for peer tutoring. If interested please see Mrs. Nambo!
AP forms and fees need to be turned in ASAP to Mrs. Nambo to avoid any late fees.
All freshman, sophomore and juniors will be taking the PSAT tomorrow. Remember to bring your fully charged Chromebook and power cord, photo ID, pencil, approved calculator and a snack & drink. We will not have extra calculators available the morning of the test so make arrangements now if you need to borrow one. Be in your assigned testing room and ready to begin at 7:50 am. Remember that you will NOT be allowed to open your locker after the test. Put anything you need to take home in your backpack and take it into the testing room. See your email for more reminders. Go to bed early and eat a good breakfast so you can perform your best! See Ms. Bernabei if you have any questions!
Ezeriah Gore, Genavyve Barnes & Pristeen Baker see Ms. Bernabei now.