ANNOUNCEMENTS - Tuesday, October 8, 2024
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SAT Word of the Day:
plethora – n. an abundance of
She had a PLETHORA of choices for lunch.
Seniors, remember to send your Prom theme ideas to Mrs. Nambo ASAP.
The first Girls basketball open gym for ALL LEVELS is tomorrow October 9th, from 7-8:30pm. If you are not in the group on band, please see Ms. Marx in Room 31. Bring your Chromebook. The Open Gym schedule has been posted in band and you need to mark your attendance.
Andrea Brander, Brody Burris, Chase Riva, Chipper Rossi, Emerald De la Torre, Jose De la Torre, Ryan Soliman, Jackson Bogatitus, and Mary Simonetta- please respond to yesterday’s email from Mrs. Theisinger. Thank you!
Attention all students: Thursday is a regular uniform day. There will not be dress up day for mass.
Ambassadors: we will meet in the PSC now.
Junior and Senior boarding students please meet with Mrs. Nambo in the refectory about AP testing today.
Congratulations to Zach Husser and Anna Cyrocki on their great golf seasons, wrapping last night at sectionals. Way to go, Bruins!
Congrats to the girls volleyball team, beating Parkview Christian 2-0. Hum Bruins!!