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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Monday, September 23, 2024

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❖     SAT Word of the Day:

➢     inexorable – adj. impossible to prevent

■       The INEXORABLE changing of seasons happened quickly.

❖     Attention former Stage Rats and anyone else interested in being a member of Stage Crew for the Fall Play: There will be a Fall Play Crew meeting on THURSDAY, Sept. 26 in Room 202 during homeroom.  Anyone with an interest in helping with Costumes, Stage Crew, Props, Lights, or Sound should plan to attend. If you are interested but can’t attend the meeting, please contact Mrs. Smith.

❖     Heritage Club members who would like to ride in the homecoming parade MUST sign up with Mrs. Rynkewicz by Wednesday, Sept. 25.

❖     If you haven’t purchased a homecoming ticket yet and still need to, please see Mrs. Theisinger in Room 102!

❖     If you are 1 of the 11 girls who has not paid for your powderpuff shirt, please see Mrs. Theisinger to do that soon!

❖     Please be sure to respect all of the hard work that SBASG to make the school look great (especially the 2nd floor) by not tearing down decorations. Thanks for leaving them up for all to enjoy this week.

❖     SBASG members- be on the lookout for an email today regarding a meeting time this week. Thank you!

❖     The Army National Guard recruiter will be in the PSC tomorrow after school until 2:15.  Be sure to stop and say Hi and learn about the opportunities and benefits they can offer.

❖     Sophomore, Juniors & Seniors, Are you interested in a career in Manufacturing? Attend The Discover Manufacturing Career Expo. Sign up with Ms. Bernabei asap!  Late registration may not be possible. Sign up TODAY!!!

❖     Seniors: The first deadline for the Elks Teen of the Month is next Monday.  Check your email for the application.

All junior & senior boarding students need to meet with Ms. Bernabei in the Loft after school today.


❖    v  Noah Buck please see Abbot Michael near the Loft this morning during homeroom.

v  Can the following students please see Mrs. Prokup in the Development Office: Jazmin Barreras-Vazquez, Adriana Buchanan, Isabella Camacho, Kaden Chalus, Aisha Yoltzin Morales, Ella Mudge, Allyn Phillips, Trajan Raffety, Marco Rizzi, Erin Sartin, Lena Sartin, William Sramek, Mina Trandinh, Maleigha Trench, Battista Verucchi, Kerstin Williams, Lillian Wray and Ayla Yeske.

v  All students dressed in theme today: please report to the PSC during homeroom.

v  Lila Koehler, please report to the Main Office.


❖    Lots of home sports tonight – come support the volleyball team starting at 5:00 in the gym, the JV football team at 5:30 on the football field, or the golf team at Spring Creek. GO BRUINS!!!