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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS Thursday, March 24, 2022

Guest User

The world asks, "What does a person own?" Christ asks, how do they use it?

  • Girls' TEC (Teens Encounter Christ) is the first weekend of April.  Want an application or to know more?  See Fr. Ronald.  

  • Soon we will deliver the food in the Big Blue Cart.  So, please bring more items in for our hungry sisters and brothers.

  • Last Supper Club outing on Wednesday.

  • Stephen Shaw and Allison Rimmele please see Mrs. Ficek sometime today in 242.

  • The musical “Cinderella” will be performed this Friday & Saturday at 7pm and Sunday at 2pm.  Tickets are $10 at the door.  Students & faculty are free with their student ID. If you need a new ID one can be printed for you in the main office for a $5 fee.

  • Tomorrow is a schedule 2 dress code which means jeans and a modest top may be worn free of charge.  Jeans must be in good repair no holes or rips, tops must be modest, no midriffs exposed, no hoodies.  If you choose not to wear jeans our daily DENNIS uniform dress code must be followed.

  • Mrs. Griggs period F P.E. class please report to room 226 B for class today and bring study materials.

  • Saturday April 2nd:  4-H Green Communities Tree Program is looking for volunteers to help plant trees at City County Park in Princeton at 10:00 AM.  To sign- up contact Beth Dellatori 815-258-8346 (call or text)

  • Saturday April 9th:  Illinois Valley Animal Rescue (IVAR) Annual building and Care Fund Auction at Grand Bear Lodge 2643 N. IL Rte. 178 Utica 61373 4:00-9:00 PM.  To Sign-up Contact:  Beth Dellatori 815-258-8346 (call or text)

  • Volunteer information can be found in X2vol on the Google Doc for Volunteer opportunities


  • Prom committee meeting tomorrow during homeroom in PCS room 16.