ANNOUNCEMENTS Friday, February 25, 2022
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When we pray for those in need, we participate in God's work in their lives. Today let us pray for the people of Ukraine.
All Polar Plungers check your school e-mail for a message from Fr, Ronald and let him know you received his message.
Today is the last day to purchase tickets turnabout dance tickets in Mrs. Manning’s room (26/28). Stop by throughout the day during homeroom, passing periods, and lunch. The dance will be on Saturday, March 5 from 7-9 pm in the gym and the cost is $5.00 per person. You may bring a guest from another school. Saint Bede students are responsible for picking up a guest form in the main office AND returning it to the main office by Monday, Feb. 28.
Lent is just around the corner. Ash Wednesday in a few days. Good time to start thinking of Lenten resolutions.
Musical rehearsal today at 3:30 for everyone in the ensemble and cast! The show is 20 days away!
Duncan Lawler, Addie Bontz, Veronica Martin, Marco Rizzi. See Fr. Ronald NOW during homeroom.
Blair Stuepfert please see Mrs. Plankenhorn
Paige Tomaseski, Alyssa Torri, Alyssa Schirz, Addison Bontz see Ms. Bernabei now.