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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS Tuesday, February 22, 2022

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We all matter to God.  Once you realize that, kindness comes easily.

  • All Polar Plungers come to the LOFT right now to register for Saturday's plunge.

  • Many of our sisters and brothers are hungry.  Let's remember them and fill the BIG BLUE CART in the science center.

  • Congratulations to the Scholastic Bowl team finishing in 3rd place in the Masonic Lodge 2A sectionals on Saturday.

  • Scholastic Bowl team practice today after school in the Art Studio

  • The Turnabout Dance will be on Saturday, March 5 from 7-9 pm in the gym. You can purchase tickets in Mrs. Manning’s room (26/28) throughout the day during homeroom, passing periods, and lunch through Friday, Feb. 25. She’ll also be available before school starting at 7:30 am daily. The cost is $5.00 per person. You may bring a guest from another school. Saint Bede students are responsible for picking up a guest form in the main office AND returning it to the main office by Monday, Feb. 28. 

  • There will be no Turnabout ticket sales on Thursday, Feb. 24 periods E – H.

  • Stephen Shaw & Jack Wallace see Mrs. Olivero Gong During their Study hall today.

  • Tessa Dugosh, Jadyn Martin, Aubrey Siebert, Madison Stanbary, please see Ms. Bernabei during your study hall today.

  • Ashlyn Ehm please pick up your softball gear from Mrs. Griggs today.

  • Step sisters in Cinderella please see Mrs. Griggs at 2:40 today for music rehearsal


  • Cheerleaders: Lauren Griggs, Bella Verucchi, Ava Stone, Andrea Brandner, Alyssa Schneider, Ruby Burr, Gwen Wiesbrock, and Madisyn Rhodes please see Mrs. Plankenhorn.

  • Renn Ludford please see Mrs. Morrow during homeroom today.

  • Daliayah Farris, Amy Tran, Erin Dove please see Ms. Bernabei now.