ANNOUNCEMENTS Wednesday, February 16, 2022
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Ask God to remind you that more is not necessarily better.
ALL STUDENTS you need to bring your ID to lunch!!
Applications for the Rural Health Career Camp are open now. Deadline is March 27, 2022. The link has been emailed to your parents and can be found on the Guidance Facebook and Twitter page.
Last Supper Club outing to Dick's in Ladd tomorrow. Sign- up sheet on Fr. Ronald's door. Please sign up by noon today.
Polar Plunge members see Fr. Ronald to pick up permission form.
Lectio tomorrow. If you are unable to attend, let Fr. Ronald know, so that the right number Bruin Bowls are prepared. Newcomers always welcome.
Those going on ski trip, get your permission forms in.
Stage Rats meet tonight at 7:30 in the gym.
Drama doesn’t just walk into your life out of nowhere, you either create it, invite it, or associate with people that bring it in.
All Boarding Students please meet in the refectory during homeroom today.
Scholastic Bowl Team meet today during homeroom in Art Studio.
Thomas Harris and Michael Shaw see Fr. Dominic during homeroom in his classroom.
Madison Stanbary please see Mrs. Plankenhorn