ANNOUNCEMENTS Friday, February 11, 2022
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God is not in the business of tweaking. God is in the business of transformation.
We have a JEAN DAY today. Funds collected help our local sisters and brothers who are in need. Even if you rather not wear jeans, please consider a donation.
The BIG BLUE CART (in science center) has just a few bags of food in it. Hope you and your family will consider giving food to assist the hungry in our area.
Ski Trip on Monday, the 21st. Payment due this coming Monday the 14th. You can still sign up.
Last Supper Club outing to Dick's in Ladd. This coming Thursday, the 17th. Sign- up sheet on Fr. Ronald's door
Polar Plunge on February 26th. Sign-up is still possible.
The next Boys' TEC is the end of February, the 26th to 28th. If you want an application or to know more, see Fr. Ronald.
The Turnabout Dance will be on Saturday, March 5 from 7-9 pm in the gym. Ticket sales will be held Monday, Feb. 14 through Friday, Feb. 25. The cost is $5.00 per person. The following rules will be in place:
· You DO NOT have to fill out a Covid form in order to attend. However, EVERYONE will be required to wear a mask. If you are not wearing one during the dance you will be asked to leave.
· You may bring a guest from another school. Saint Bede students are responsible for picking up a guest form in the main office AND returning it to the main office by Monday, Feb. 28. This date is firm and no exceptions will be allowed. See Mrs. Manning if you have questions.
Senior 7th semester transcripts are now complete and have been uploaded to parchment and the Common App. Seniors who want to see your transcript and GPA need to place an order in Parchment. Instructions for Parchment have been sent to seniors in your school email for those who need it. Remember, the transcript icon in Parchment does not update to show your most recent transcript. If you want to see the most recent copy of your transcript you must order a transcript to be sent to yourself. You will then receive an email from Parchment with a link. Click on the link to download your transcript.
Seniors, this is a reminder to make sure your service hours are entered, verified and approved. If you do not completed your service hour requirement you will not graduate. You will not receive your final transcript or diploma until this graduation requirement is met.
Stage Rats crew TONIGHT at 7:30 in the gym.
A retainer was found after lunch yesterday. It is in the main office.
Good luck to the individual wrestlers and girls’ bowling team at Sectionals tomorrow!
We are a safe school zone remember to be RESPONSIBLE and speak up when someone is being mistreated. To show your INTEGRITY by doing what is right. To always RESPECT your school, teachers and each other. To SPEAK UP to teachers – it’s all confidential. Do not be a complacent BYSTANDER.
Kristal DeLaTorre, Hayden Arkins, Evan Fitzpatrick, Rubi DeLaTorre, Seth Ferrari, Henry Mertel, James Erwin and Summer Conlin please come to the main office now.
Pia Mindrup please see Mr. Harlow with your chromebook and charger.