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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Thursday, October 20, 2022

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A big part of mercy is simply being with people in their pain and suffering, holding them physically or spiritually, even if there is nothing else you can do for them.

  •  SAT Word of the Day: Recapitulate- summarize and state again the main points.

  •  Students planning on playing a winter sport, make sure you register under the 8to18 system.  Even if you played in the fall, you still need to complete the registration process for the winter season. 

  • This coming Wednesday, October 26th, is our next Last Supper Club outing to restaurant #80.  All are welcome.  Sign-up sheet on board outside Fr. Ronald's office.

  • Don’t forget to place your order for Football Playoff Attire. A link was sent to you via text and email. Deadline is today by midnight!

  • If you are missing a calculator, please come see Mrs. Hurst in the Main Office.

  • There will be Open gym for basketball today from 3:30-5:00.

  • Don’t forget Methodist College will be here today during Lunch! Also, Quincy University will be here tomorrow during lunch outside the Refectory.


  • Michael Shaw, Katie Zeller, and Gavin Hahn please Abbot Michael near the Loft today during homeroom.

  • Jake Delaney and Brendon Pillion see Coach Cummings during homeroom.

  • Girls Tennis meet in the Science Center during homeroom.

  • Ryan Slingsby please come to the Main Office during homeroom.

  • Ryan Brady and Morgan Nawa please see Mrs. Nambo during homeroom today.

  • There will be a fan bus to tonight's FINAL volleyball game against the Ridgewood Spartans. The bus will leave for Cambridge at 5:30 and is FREE OF CHARGE to any student interested. Please see Mr. Steben outside the main office during homeroom to sign up.