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Daily Announcements

Daily Announcements - Friday, September 17th

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  • Next week’s Homecoming Week Spirit Days are a chance for your class to win (or maintain) the Spirit Stick!  Get involved by getting creative!  Please remember modesty and appropriateness in all dress!  Also, these are not days to “not wear uniforms” they are days for fun and school community – put some thought into your participation!

  • Work study students: If you have been assigned to a fall event to work you will have an email from Ms. Bohne.  Those that are assigned to any volleyball games you need to be at the concession stand at 4:45 pm.  Ms. Bohne mistakenly told you 6:45. Varsity football workers should arrive between 6:30-6:45pm

  • Student ID’s required for entry into all home games.  If you don’t have your ID see Mrs. Plankenhorn or you will have to pay the $3 entry fee.

  • The varsity football players that helped Mr. Hancock this summer with moving classrooms, please send him your verification through X2Vol so he can verify your hours.

  • Homecoming Dance Ticket sales will continue next week at all lunches through Tuesday!!  $20 per person to attend the Homecoming Dance.

  • Picture retakes are scheduled for September 23 for underclassmen and any seniors that missed their original senior portrait date or are wanting a retake from your original picture.  Underclassmen that have not gotten their picture for the yearbook yet are: Alex Ankiewicz, Haiden Ator, Evan Fitzpatrick, Alana Frasch, Isaiah Hart, Amanda Wojcik, and Angel Zhai.  Seniors that need portraits and have NOT signed up yet in the office: Trenton Acuncius, Anna An, Tyreke Fortney, Stephen Shaver, Quenten Sondgeroth, and Sophia Su. Please stop in Mrs. Plankenhorn’s office and get signed up.

  • Today is the last day to sign up for the variety show.  Everyone received the google form link yesterday by email.  First rehearsal is Sunday in the church at 7pm.  Once you have done your act, you may go home. Masks must be worn inside the gym.

  • Yearbook meeting today after school in the music room, if you cannot attend, please email Mrs. Griggs.  The theme and the cover will be discussed.  50/50 tickets will be sold today at the football game and the profit will go to the yearbook club.  If you would like to help sell tickets let Mrs. Griggs know by the end of the day.

  • Cross Country: Girls won their match against SV and PC:  Winning the girls race was Madelyn Torrance, 2nd was Macy Zeglis, 3rd Jaelyn Weber, 4th was Aly Hoogland, and 5th was Abbie George. Boys: Winning the boys race Miguel Jones, 4th was Greyson Marincic, 6th was Josh Grob, and 7th was Steven Zhang


  • Will the following students See Mrs. Plankenhorn during HR today – Tanayiah Allison, Haiden Ator, Jazmin Barreras-Vazquez, Veronica Bartlett, Samantha Blazkiewicz, Andrea Brandner

  • Payton Giordano see Coach McGunnigal today during homeroom