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Daily Announcements

Daily Announcements - Tuesday, September 14th

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  • The Blue Cart is almost full!  Let’s bring in a few more items and help our hungry brothers and sisters!

  • Heritage Club members: money for shirts and sweatshirts is due this Wednesday. Permission slips for the Naperville Hispanic Heritage Festival are also due Wednesday. Get both turned in to Mrs. Rynkewicz ASAP!

  • LAST CHANCE TO ORDER: Homecoming shirts and sweatshirts will be on sale during lunch today. Short sleeve T-shirts are $12, Long Sleeve T-shirt $18, Crew neck sweatshirt $22, hoodie sweat shirt $28.  $1 Extra charge for 2XL and higher.

  • The variety show will be held next Friday, September 24 in the gym at 7:30. If you would like to participate in the show by singing, playing an instrument, performing a skit or dance please email Mrs. Griggs and a google form will be emailed back to you with information. The first rehearsal is this Sunday at 7 pm in the gym. If you are a senior interested in announcing the acts, please also email Mrs Griggs.

  • All Kinglee students meet in the LOFT with Mr. Kemock after school today.


  • Anyone interested in Esports or Tea Club, meet in the collaboration room during Homeroom today.

  • SBASG General Assembly meeting today during homeroom in the LOFT

  • Tyler Jordan and Alivia Payne please see Mrs. Plankenhorn now.

  • The following students need to meet in the refectory now for a meeting if you are at ACC see Ms. Bohne when you get here: Brianda Cain, Daniel Dugosh, James Erwin, Tyreke Fortney, Joe Gengler, Thomas Harris, Jaden Hart, Rylan Heersink, Grace Irwin, Jayce Ladzinski, Veronica Martin, Matthew Pozzi, Alyssa Schneider, Stephen Shaver, Ethan Sramek.