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Daily Announcements

Daily Announcements - Friday, September 10th

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  • Attention Freshmen!  The ballots for SBASG Class Representatives are now available in your Saint Bede e-mail account.  You should vote for only 5 representatives on the ballot and submit.  Elected representatives will be announced at the end of the day.  Any campaign signs need to be taken down at the end of school today!

  • Homecoming shirts and sweatshirts will be on sale before school in the PSC and during lunch Monday and Tuesday next week. Short sleeve T-shirts are $12, Long Sleeve T-shirt $18, Crew neck sweatshirt $22, hoodie sweat shirt $28.  $1 Extra charge for 2XL and higher.

  • Interested in joining Esports team.  Fall season is starting. Google Classroom code: rkg6yyu

  • Attention Heritage Club members! It's time to order your club t-shirt or sweatshirt. Find the information in our Google Classroom page and bring your clothing size and money to Mrs. Rynkewicz's room (217) by Wednesday, Sept. 15. Thank you Katriene Sibbaluca for creating our design!

  • Thank you for the great turn out for the first yearbook meeting yesterday after school. If you did not make it and you want to involved email Mrs. Griggs for the google code.  Our next two meetings are scheduled for Friday Sept 17 and October 1 after school from 2:45-3:30. Please look over the 7000 themes possible in the link given out in the google classroom and come to the next meeting with your favorite ideas! 

  • Your items have been in Mrs. Prokup's office for a long time. Please come pick them up in room 135.  The following students have packages:

    Connor Brown, Veronica Bartlett, Benjamin Burke, Jordan Conventry, Hunter Welch, Paige Tomaseski, Aubrey Siebert, Bailey Engels, Logan Pinter, Gwen Struck, Gavin Sandoval, Grady Gillan, Sadie Koehler, and Hunter Savage.