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Daily Announcements

Daily Announcements - Wednesday, September 8th

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Honesty is difficult, but it solves problems and saves a lot of time.

  • Ø  The following colleges will be visiting during all three lunch periods this month:

    Saint Ambrose on Sept. 13

    Lincoln College on Sept. 22

    Western Illinois University on Sept. 28

    Augustana on Sept. 29

    Ø  Congratulations to the Girls Cross Country Team for placing 7th on Friday at the Twighlight in the Woods invitational in Seneca.

    Ø  Let’s fill the blue cart this week for our hungry brothers and sisters in our area.

    Ø  STUDENTS:  When you need to leave for an appointment during the school day please see Mrs. Plankenhorn before school starts to get a dismissal slip.  When you return to school from an appointment or from being gone for any reason you need to check into the main office.

    Ø  Yearbook meeting will be held in Mrs. Griggs classroom Thursday from 2:45-3:15

    Ø  The variety show held during homecoming week will be Friday, September 24th in the gym at 7:30pm. Rehearsals will be held during the week of Sept. 19.  Start preparing today!  Dances, class/club skits, vocal/instrumental solo’s or ensembles are examples of what have been included in the past.  If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Griggs. Sign Ups will be available next week.

    Ø  The following families have items to pick up in Mrs. Prokup's office Rm 135: Arkins, M. Brady, Bartlett, Burke, Brown, Case, Conlin, Coventry, Jordan, Duguosh, Engels, Ehm, Fitzpatrick, Mullane, Gillan, Koehler, Kunkel, Loveless, Link, Mueller, McClain, Moreno, Norris, Savage, Sandoval, Struck, Slingsby, Stoudt, Siebert, Tomasewski & Welch.

    Ø  September is Suicide Awareness month. Do not hesitate to contact Ms. Bernabei, Fr. Ron or any teacher/staff at St. Bede if you or someone you know is feeling suicidal. Check your school email for additional support information and a printable Suicide Prevention Life Line wallet card. We care about our Bruin family and we are here for you!

    Ø  Friday is a schedule 3 dress code day which means:  Blue jeans and a modest may be worn for a $3 or more donation.  This week jean day will benefit the Cross-Country team.  Jeans must be in good repair, no holes or rips.  If you choose not to wear jeans you must follow the daily DENNIS Uniform dress code.

    Ø  B period study hall (other half of PE) you will be meeting in the Student Commons for study hall from now on.


    Ø  Anyone and everyone interested in wrestling or helping with wrestling this season, meet coach Allen in the weight room hallway during homeroom. Those who can't meet during homeroom, please meet in the science center after school.

    Ø  Will the following students please see Ms. Bernabei today during homeroom: Kristal De La Torre, Jaden Hart, Miguel Jones, Nubia Sajuan and Isabella Villalobos.

    Ø  Marco Rizzi & Tyreke Fortney see Mr. Harlow in his office & bring your Chromebooks

    Ø  Henry Orteza and Jayce Ladzinski please see Mrs. Nambo in the main office during homeroom.

    Ø  Angel Zhai please see Mrs. Plankenhorn now.