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Daily Announcements

DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS - Wednesday, April 28, 2021

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Life is not fair, but we must strive to make it so.

  • Our Donor of the Day is Dr. Ted & Gina Doren. They have been loyal friends and supporters to Saint Bede and the Auction for decades. We are blessed with their kindness and generosity. Please keep them in a special prayer of thanks today.

  • The school year is coming to an end. Many of our sisters and brothers are hungry. Let's fill the Blue Cart.

  • Any student in the current freshmen through junior class that is interested in being a student government class representative should see Mrs. Manning to have their name placed on the ballot. No email requests will be accepted. The deadline is Thursday, April 29 @ 2 pm. No exceptions will be made. Voting will be electronic and take place on Friday, April 30 from 6 am-noon.

  • Sign-up to support our Just Imagine MEGA Raffle and help to close the fundraising gap for students at SBA! Do Something MEGA…. for SAINT BEDE, Click Here To Purchase Raffle Ticket

  • Just Imagine Mega Raffle

    Only 750 Tickets will be sold! Seller’s Drawing - $1,000 Prize.

    Every seller of 5 tickets will be entered into a separate drawing for $1,000.

    Drawing Date: Saturday, June 19, 2021

    1st Prize - $10,000 plus seller of the ticket receives $350

    2nd Prize - $5,000 plus seller of the ticket receives $350

    3rd Prize - $3,000 plus seller of the ticket receives $350

  • Please fill out the May lunch order form if you haven’t done so yet. Remember if you do not order a lunch there will not be one available for you.

  • CHEERLEADERS: Your pictures are in Mrs. Plankenhorn’s office, please stop in to pick them up.

  • All boarding students need to meet in the LOFT after school today.

  • Pentranella Mitchell see Mr. Harlow now…bring Chromebook!

  • Stephen Shaw please see Mrs. Mershon now.

  • Gunnar Jauch and Logan Link please see Mrs. Plankenhorn

  • Congratulations to the boys and girls track team, they finished second overall last night. Teghan Tillman won the high jump, long jump, and teamed with Olivia Orteza and Macy Zeglis to win the 4 x 400 relay. Macy won the 100 & 300 hurdles. Anna Lopez won the 100 and Miranda Mazzorana the 800, and Brady Mudge won the 3200: For the boys: Zach Roebuck won the 110 & 300 hurdles & teamed with Austin Godwin, Anton Cain, & Austin, Josh Grob to win the 4 x 100 & Austin, Josh, and Duncan Lawler to win the 4 x relays. Steven Shaver won the 1600. Anton was 2nd in the high jump and the 300 hurdles. Hayden Arkins was 2nd in the 800. Great start to the season!

  • JV softball, please meet at the field at 2:30 to remove the tarp for practice.

  • Seniors: today is the last day to submit photos for the senior video for prom. Seniors that are not attending can still submit photo’s. Please email them to Mrs. Griggs

  • Get ready for summer and travel MASK FREE in the safety of your BRAND NEW 2021 Jayco Redhawk SE 27N Class C Motorhome! Enjoy the freedom of traveling with your family and friends again. Learn More @

  • AP Exams begin – First Administration - May 3 – May 17

    Monday, May 3 – 7:45 – U.S. Government & Politics

    11:45 – Physics C: Mechanics

    1:45 – Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism

    Tuesday, May 4 - 7:45 – Calculus AB & BC

    Thursday, May 6 - 7:45 – U.S. History

    11:45 – Computer Science A

    Friday, May 7 - 7:45 – Chemistry

    Monday, May 10 - 11:45 – Macroeconomics

    Tuesday, May 11- 11:45 – Psychology

    Wednesday, May 12 - 11:45 – Microeconomics

    Friday, May 14 - 7:45 – Biology

    11:45 – Chinese Language & Culture

    Monday, May 17 - 7:45 – Computer Science Principles

    11:45 – Statistics

    AP Exams will be proctored in the Abbey Church Conference room with the following exceptions: U.S. History & Statistics in the Library.