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Daily Announcements

DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS - Wednesday, April 21, 2021

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God draws us toward good, but he doesn't force us to do good; our freedom remains central.

  • Our Donor of the Day is Dr. Andrew & Nancy Bacevich. Dr. Bacevich is a 1965 Golden Bedan graduate and our Distinguished Alumnus Award recipient for 2020. They have been loyal friends and supporters to St. Bede for decades. We are blessed with their kindness and generosity. Please keep them in a special prayer of thanks today.

  • The following seniors still need to submit their yearbook survey. See Mrs. Griggs if you need the link again.  Levi Bland, Joe Edwall, Gunnar Jauch, Simon Li, Mia Mazzorana, Maks Sharshekeev, Maddy Theesfeld, and Julia Wang.

  • SENIORS that have been invited to the Honors Night please see Mrs. Plankenhorn NOW!

  • Lectio groups meet today, and Friday of this week.  Group photos will be taken.   Note that those who usually meet on Thursday will meet today.

  • Today is the last day to talk with Mrs. Manning about running for a position on the student government executive board. Students interested in the positions of President or Vice-President must be in the current junior class and have had at least one year of experience as a student government member. The positions of Treasurer and Secretary require a year of student government experience. To have your name placed on the ballot and to go over the rules and expectations, please see Mrs. Manning by 2 pm today. No exceptions will be allowed beyond this deadline. The election will be held on Friday, April 23.

  • There will be no Academic Achievement this Friday periods C, D, or F, students report to your study hall.

  • Voting for student government executive board positions will be electronic. Current freshmen through junior classes will have a link sent to your school email by 6 am on Friday, April 23. Voting will take place until noon that day. No voting extensions will be allowed. Nominees are listed according to the order they submitted their request.

  • Skip the airport this summer and travel at your own pace, MASK FREE, in the safety of your BRAND NEW 2021 Jayco Redhawk SE 27N Class C Motorhome! Enjoy the freedom of traveling with your family and friends again, without the risk of flight delays, cancellations or disruptive passengers. Learn More @