DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS - Friday, March 26, 2021
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Holiness isn't measured by our perfection. It's measured by how we love.
Our Donor of the Day is Paul Robich. Mr. Robich is a 1969 Golden Bedan graduate and is the President of RCMA, an architecture, design planning firm located in Los Angeles, CA. He is a longtime friend and generous supporter of St. Bede. Please keep him in a special prayer of thanks today.
Attention Stage Rats. We will be meeting for a work session Saturday night at 7:30 p.m. Wear clothes for painting.
·Please keep our seniors in your prayers. This is their second day of retreat.
·Where we are after yesterday's Lenten collection:
o Seniors $300/900;
o Juniors $685/1,290
o Sophomores $495/585
o Freshmen $1,449/990
o OVERALL $3,203/4.065
Interested in part-time work with flexible hours? Work includes yard work house care, e.g. painting. See Fr Ronald for more information.
Want to get involved with the cereal box challenge? Put your name on sign-up sheet on Fr. Ronald's office door.
A Habitat for Humanity build will begin soon in Ladd. We helped with a build in Ottawa. If you want to help with this build, put name on sign-up sheet on Fr. Ronald's door. No building experience necessary.
Open gym for softball this Saturday at 3:30. Bring inside and outside gear. Everyone that is not playing volleyball should attend. The last open gym will be Tuesday, March 30 at 4:30. The first official practice will be Monday, April 5th at 4:30 for JV and Varsity.
Volunteers needed for the City of Oglesby Easter Egg hunt tomorrow! See your student email for details.
Juniors, check your email for a recording of the College Night Presentation presented by Ms. Bernabei last night. You should begin submitting your college applications this July in time for the early deadlines This will improve your chance of being accepted. Watch this recording and see Ms. Bernabei asap when you have questions.