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Daily Announcements

DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS - Wednesday, February 3, 2021

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Ask God to teach you how to be happy when someone else wins.

  •  Our Donor of the Day is David Padilla. Mr. Padilla is a 1990 graduate and he is a Regional Sales Director at Abbott, who excelled in basketball and tennis while at St. Bede. We are blessed with his kindness and generosity. Please keep David in a special prayer of thanks today.

  • The faculty and staff would like to thank Mr. McGunnigal and the Ambassadors for the gifts and treats that have been given us this week for Catholic Schools week.  You are AWESOME!

  • Today is the feast of St. Blaise. Fr. Ronald will come to F Period classes to give the blessing of throats.

  • Today is the 115th anniversary of the death of Fr. Gilbert Simon and three students who drowned after falling through the ice. Fr. Gilbert saved many of the students who had been ice skating, but finally drowned as well.  There is a memorial on the first floor.

  • Scholastic Bowl practice today after school in the Art Studio.  Match at Orion on tomorrow bus leaving at 3:15

  • Levi Bland, Payge Pyszka, Abbie George, Perla De La Torre, and Jake Bradach please see Mrs. Plankenhorn NOW!

  • Any one playing football this spring needs to see Coach Eustice as soon as possible.

  • Student-Athletes you MUST park in the student parking lot and walk to the gym for your practices. No parking in the lane, courtyard, or outside the gym. We will start issuing discipline for students who park in any other location.

  • Kaden Monterastelli please see Mrs. Mershon during your study hall today.