DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS - Wednesday, March 3, 2021
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The-best-version-of-yourself will be faithful to the purposes and gifts given to you by God.
Our Donor of the Day is James Schlosser. Mr. Schlosser is a 1978 graduate and is a loyal friend and generous supporter to St. Bede for decades. We are blessed with his kindness. Please keep him in a special prayer of thanks today.
Tomorrow is our weekly collection for our Lenten charities in religion classrooms. Recall that our goal is, at least, $2.50 per person per week toward our Lenten charities.
Congratulations to our final round of winners from our February Calendar Raffle: Guillermo Sandoval, Karen Grotti, Madison McGunnigal, Christine Hermosillo, John & Stacy Aden, Colleen Mitchell, and Gina Bima! Thank you for your support!
The guidelines and release form for the Homecoming dance have been posted on Teacher Ease. You are responsible for reading the information, printing the release form, and signing up for the dance next week according to the guidelines. Ticket sales will begin Monday, March8. Go to the Collaborative Room in the PSC from 7:25-7:45 am Monday through Thursday next week. A signed release form is required is required with the $10 payment. Please see Mrs. Manning with questions about the sign-up process.
Congratulations to Alyssa Heitz for the second year in a row Alyssa has made the TRAC Scholastic Bowl Team this year she earned the # 1 spot answering more tossups than all other competitors in the conference.