DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS - Monday, March 1, 2021
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Faithful and merciful God guide us in your ways. Never allow us to condemn; always help us to be merciful. As you have seen fit to forgive us, may we forgive others.
Our Donor of the Day is Kenneth Borys. Mr. Borys is a 1961 graduate and lives in Minnesota. We have been blessed with his generosity for decades. Please keep him in a special prayer of thanks today.
We’re happy to announce that there will be a homecoming dance for St. Bede students! Seniors and Juniors will have their dance on Saturday, March 20, and Freshmen and Sophomores will be on Sunday, March 21. Both events will be from 7-9 pm. The cost will be $10 per person. Students will only be able to attend the dance with their grade level. Listen to announcements this week for the day that you may pick up the required paperwork from Mrs. Manning. The information sheet will require a parent and student signature in order for you to attend.
Congratulations to our final round of winners from our February Calendar Raffle: Guillermo Sandoval, Karen Grotti, Madison McGunnigal, Christine Hermosillo, John & Stacy Aden, Colleen Mitchell, and Gina Bima! Thank you for your support!
Thank you to seniors: Grace, Alyssa, Isabelle, Brady, Gunnar and Nathan for a very find job on Thursday at our prayer service. Your insights into Hospitality gave us much to reflect upon.
Each class has a Lenten charity. Let's also remember our hungry sisters and brothers, locally, by bringing in food for the blue cart and outside our area by filling the Lenten Rice Bowls.
The guidelines and release form for the Homecoming dance will be posted on Teacher Ease today. You are responsible for reading the information, printing the release form and signing up for the dance next week according to the guidelines. Please see Mrs. Manning with questions about the sign-up process.
All boy boarding students see Mrs. Plankenhorn before you leave school today.
Scholastic Bowl practice Tuesday and Thursday this week Regionals Monday March 8
Ava Stone, Johnathan Hackney and Michael Shaw check your St. Bede e-mail for a message from Fr. Ronald.
Coach Allen’s F period class please report to room 141 for class today.