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Daily Announcements

DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS - Monday, February 22, 2021

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Some good Lenten questions to reflect on: How do you hear God's daily call? What is the specific mission that God has assigned to you? How do you evaluate your effectiveness?

  • Our Donor of the Day is Mark and Chris Potthoff. Mr. Potthoff is a 1968 graduate. We are blessed with their kindness and generosity that we have received for decades. Please keep them in a special prayer of thanks today.

  • Juniors, please bring in your $60 payment to the business office for the ACT test. Due March 1st.

  • Lectio groups will meet this week tomorrow, Thursday and Friday. Check the display to remind yourself what day is yours. Lectio will be in Mr. H's room # 118 on first floor.

  • First collection for our Lenten charities will be on Thursday in your religion classes.

  • Congratulations to our third round of winners from our February Calendar Raffle: Bryan Dilley, Ann Savio, Noah Setser, Matt Schneider, Peggy Kleczewski and Vince Gatza! Thank you for your support!

  • Today we will start praying before lunch. Students will lead the prayer over the intercom. If you want to do so, there is a sign-up sheet in the main office.

  • Scholastic Bowl home meet tonight: Team meet after school in the Art Studio to help set up.

  • The freshman girls basketball game for tonight will begin at 5:30 pm. Any freshman girls needing tickets for tonight’s game please see Coach McGunnigal NOW!