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Daily Announcements

DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS - Wednesday, February 10, 2021

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Most of the time holiness is just about doing the ordinary things of everyday life really well.

  • Our Donor of the Day is Mark and Sandy Piscitelli. Mr. Piscitelli is a 1960 graduate. We are blessed with their kindness and generosity that we have received for decades. Please keep them in a special prayer of thanks today.

  • Jean Day on Friday to benefit the hungry and needy in our area.  Even if you decide not to wear jeans, please consider a donation.  Jeans must be in good repair, no holes or rips a modest top NO HOODIES!

  • Hope DeBoer please see Mrs. Plankenhorn NOW!

  • Tomorrow is Fr. Ronald’s Birthday!! Let’s give him the best gift ever by filling up the blue cart!! 

  • Scholastic Bowl practice today after school Thursday matches in Kewanee bus leaving St. Bede at 3:30

  • Congratulations to our first round of winners from our February Calendar Raffle: Dennis & Tracy Basil, Jennifer Kennedy, Nick Szczepaniak, Yancy Green, Kelly Waters, Kathy Ankiewicz, Victor Burris and Mary Schmitt. Thank you for your support!