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Daily Announcements

DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS - Monday, February 1, 2021

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Ask God to remind you that great leaders surface arguing for something not against something

  • Our Donor of the Day is Gary Ford. Mr. Ford is a loyal friend and dedicated supporter to St. Bede. We have been blessed with his kindness and generosity for decades. Please keep him in a special prayer of thanks today. 

  • This week is Catholic Schools Week.

  • Still looking for an X-Box Play Station or Nintendo Switch.  This is for a local boy who was mauled by a pit bull.  If you have one to donate or sell, please let Fr. Ronald know.

  • When you are hungry what do you do?  Our hungry sisters and brothers don't have the same options. Let's fill the blue cart.

  • Scholastic Bowl is in action tonight at Bureau Valley the bus leaving at 4:00 all team members must stop by the Art Studio at the end of the day today

  • The following students need to see Mrs. Plankenhorn today: Mia Mazzorana, Allison Morton, Fredrick Fess, Tim Daluga, Perla De La Torre, and Addison Derlein.

  • The following students need to pick up their prizes from the calendar raffle:, Nick Pearse, Noah or Calym Setser, Aubrey Siebert, Jake Bradach, Hayden Arkins, Petra Mitchell, Lilly Learned, Ava Stone, Levi Bland, and Kylie Hill

  • Thank you to everyone that participated in the ‘wear your sweatpants’ day sponsored by student government. We raised $980 and all of the money was donated to The Polar Plunge in support of students with special needs. Great job Bruins!

  • Fr. Dominic’s G period please meet in the refectory today for class.

  • WYSE team members check your classroom page today and tomorrow.