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Daily Announcements

DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS - Monday, August 31, 2020

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We are all writing the story of our lives.  Are you satisfied with the story you are writing with your life? 

 Our Donor of the Day is Richard Dougherty. Mr. Dougherty is a 1952 graduate and we have been blessed with his kindness and generosity for decades. Please keep Richard in a special prayer of thanks today.

Attention Students: emails are being sent to you daily you need to check your St. Bede email account.  A lot of problems some of you are experiencing are answered somewhere in your messages. 

Volleyball Meeting for all athletes interested in participating on Wednesday at the shelter. Varsity 4:15; Sophomores 4:45; Freshmen 5:15 Please come at the appropriate time. Parents are welcome, but not required. Please bring a mask.

Covid-19 has changed our lives in many ways.  However, we don't go to bed hungry.  Not true for even more of our sisters and brothers.  Remember them and bring in soup, pasta, vegetables, etc. and fill the blue cart.

Congratulations to Zachary Lambie who turned his hospitality post card in and got a gift card in return.  Another name has been drawn:  AUBREE ACUNCIUS your name was drawn.  Get your post card to Fr. Ronald by end of school tomorrow and get your gift card.

Attention Freshmen! Are you interested in joining student government and helping plan the fun events? Send Mrs. Manning an email at that includes your first and last name and indicate that you would like to have your name placed on the ballot. The deadline is tomorrow at 12:15 pm. No names will be added after that time. Electronic voting will take place on Thursday, September 3. The ballot will be in Classroom. If you have not joined, the code is 5reo6o4

As you have heard in announcements all week, the spirit day activities have been moved to Friday, September 4. If you are not comfortable participating in the outdoor events for health/safety reasons, you may stay home that day. Your absence will be marked as ‘excused.’  Please email Mrs. Manning at if this is your intention.

There are a few items to take note of for spirit day:

  1. Do not bring a bookbag or computer to school on Friday. Once we leave the building, no one will be allowed to re-enter.

  2. On spirit day, you may bring your own raft for sliding down the slip ‘n slide. This is optional and St. Bede Academy will not provide these for students. Rafts that are left behind will be thrown away after spirit day activities are finished. 

  3. No one may bring lipstick or any other item(s) to get each other dirty with. 

  4. Seniors may bring their own water squirt tube. It may not resemble a squirt gun in any fashion; if it does, it will be taken from you. St. Bede Academy will not provide these for students. A pool of colored water will be provided to get others wet. The water tubes will be checked to make sure they are empty before you fill them
    with the colored water.

  5. Spirit Day T-shirts will be distributed on Thursday, Sept. 3 as you enter school in the morning. Student government members will give you your shirt after your Covid temperature check. Wear them to school on Friday. You may not rip, cut or disfigure the shirt in any way. If you come to school having done so, you’ll will be
    given something to change into and a dress code violation will be written up.

  6. Grab and Go lunch will be available on Sprit Day. Sign up as usual upon arrival.