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Daily Announcements

DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS - Monday, August 24, 2020

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The moment you start acting like life is a blessing, it starts feeling like one.

Our Donor of the Day is Gary Puetz.  Gary is a 1969 graduate and we have been blessed with his kindness and generosity for decades. Please keep him in a special prayer of thanks today.

Again, this year we will be collecting food for our hungry sisters and brothers.  Food items can be put in the blue cart on the first floor.

Tomorrow is our Spirit Week Prayer Service.  We will start at the fountain in front of the school and then process to the field just below the cemetery.  Directions will be given.

Football is having a Rip's Fundraiser this Wednesday and Thursday from 4-8.  $10 gets a chicken tenders or 1/4 light or dark with fries.  Curbside pickup only - Tickets must be bought in advance so see Coach Eustice or any football player!

Official SBA FAN GEAR & GIRLS TENNIS is Now Available to Purchase Online! DEADLINE to ORDER: Sunday, August 30th - CLICK LINK to VIEW ITEMS  

If you ordered neck buffs you can pick them up in Mrs. Plankenhorn’s office.  Masks will not be in for a few more weeks.

STUDENTS: You need to check your email EVERYDAY!!  This is all new protocol that needs to be followed.  You should also be logging into Teacher Ease with this email NOT your parent’s email.  Everyone was given a new email address and password when your Chromebook was returned. If you are having problems accessing your email you may contact Mr. Harlow.  If you need help accessing Teacherease Mrs. Plankenhorn can help with that.

There will a dodgeball tournament on spirit day. If you would like to form a team the following guidelines are in place: teams should be made up of 8 students, there must be at least 3 girls OR at least 3 boys on the team, and teams should include students from your class level. One person from your team should email Mrs. Manning at with the first and last names of each person on the team. If you’d like to play dodgeball but want to join individually, send Mrs. Manning an email with your first and last name and the grade level you are in. She will compile those names into teams as well! The deadline to send your email is Thursday, Aug. 27 at 12:15 pm.  There will be no exceptions.

Attention Freshmen! Are you interested in joining student government and helping plan the fun events? Send Mrs. Manning an email that includes your first and last name and indicate that you would like to have your name placed on the ballot. The deadline is Tuesday, September 1 at 12:15 pm. No names will be added after that time. Electronic voting will take place on Thursday, September 3rd.

It's Spirit Week! The events for each day are as follows:

Tuesday – All School Prayer Service; regular Dennis uniform attire.

Friday – Green & White Day; wear your Bruin gear with Dennis uniform bottoms. This would have been our first full week of extra-curricular activities. In the past, we had allowed student athletes to wear their Bruin tops with Dennis uniform bottoms. While we do not have all of the extra-curriculars, we wanted to keep the St. Bede spirit going by encouraging everyone to wear your favorite Bruin gear tops. 

Spirit Day has been moved to Friday, September 4th.

If you are a junior or senior and you have a note to leave for H period study hall you need to turn in your note to Mrs. Plankenhorn.

Nolan May please see Mr. Harlow today.