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Daily Announcements

DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS - Thursday August 20, 2020

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Courage doesn’t mean you don’t get afraid.  Courage means you don’t let fear stops.

Our Donor of the Day is Donald Sajnaj. Mr. Sajnaj is a 1969 graduate and we are blessed with his kindness and generosity. Please keep him in a special prayers of thanks today.

WECLCOME BACK EVERYONE!! Things obviously look a lot different around here these days, but if we all work together and follow the guidelines we will have a safe and healthy return to learn program. Let’s stay single file in the hallways, 6ft apart, stair tower and old main stairwell are 2 way stay on the right hand side going up and down.  North and south stairwells are UP only center stairwell by the restrooms are DOWN ONLY.  Be aware of signs and follow arrows.

Reminder to ALL students - make sure you check your student email daily.  All
school correspondence will be communicated through there.  questions or problems see Mr. Harlow

Attention Sophomore, Junior and Senior students! If you have not done so already, read the email from Mrs. Manning regarding spirit day t-shirts. Today is the deadline for submitting your size. If it’s not met, an XL size will be ordered for you.

There will a dodgeball tournament on spirit day. If you would like to form a team the following guidelines are in place: teams should be made up of 8 students, there must be at least 3 girls OR at least 3 boys on the team, and teams should include students from your class level. One person from your team should email Mrs. Manning with the first and last names of each person on the team. The deadline to send your email is Thursday, Aug. 27 at 12:15 pm. There will be no exceptions.

Attention Freshmen! Are you interested in joining student government and helping plan the fun events? Send Mrs. Manning an email that includes your first and last name and indicate that you would like to have your name placed on the ballot. The deadline is Tuesday, September 1 at 12:15pm. No names will be added after that time. Electronic voting will take place on Thursday, September 3.

Next week is Spirit Week! The events for each day are as follows:

– Red, white and blue day; plan your outfit appropriately with no short bottoms
– the fingertip measuring rule will apply.

– all school prayer service.

– Green & white day; wear your Bruin gear with Dennis uniform bottoms.

Spirit Day has been moved to Friday, September 4.