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Daily Announcements

Daily Announcements - Friday, September 20, 2019

Marcia Wagner

  • Our Donor of the Day is Dennis Donna. Mr. Donna is a 1968 Golden Bedan graduate and travelled from Mesa, AZ to attend his 50th reunion last year. We are blessed with his kindness and generous support for decades. Please keep him in a special prayer of thanks today.

  • We will have an hour late start on Monday September 23.  A period class will begin PROMPTLY at 8:50 a.m. 

  • Today is the last day to purchase tickets for the Homecoming dance. They will be on sale during lunch. The cost is $10 for one ticket and $20 for two tickets. No names will be taken unless payment is provided. The dance will be held in the gym from 7-9:30 pm on Sunday, September 22. 

  • Bede students in the grass area east of the gym. 

  • If you’re interested in purchasing a mum for your date, mom, aunt, grandma or anyone that would appreciate having one, please see Mrs. Manning. The cost is $5.00. 

  • STUDENTS:  When going to the lunch room all of your belongings need to be brought to your locker. There should be NOTHING outside the refectory.  E2C students you may leave your belongings in your room and pick them up after lunch. 

  • Student commons remains closed through today. 

  • All work study students need to check your assignments and times on classroom.  You will be fined $50 if you do not show up to work your assignment. 


  • Jared Rouse, Perla De La Torre, Patrick Harmon and Peter Sampson please see Mrs. Plankenhorn during homeroom today. 

  • Arianna Heersink & Jake Delaney see Mrs. Prokup 

  • Reese Ludford - see Mrs. Manning during homeroom today.