Daily Announcements - Wednesday, September 4, 2019
Marcia Wagner
If you have to choose being kind and being right, choose kind and you will always be right.
OurDonor of the Day is Martin Manning. Mr. Manning is a 1968 Golden Bedan graduate and lives in Huntley, IL. He is a loyal and generous supporter and we are blessed with his kindness. Please keep him in a special prayer of thanks today.
Tea Club meeting after school in the commons. While we drink tea, we will talk about tea, tea culture, and tea benefits! All are invited!
Book club meet Friday afterschool in the science center to pick a book for the month. The classroom code is ohkit47
Waiting for Maddie Mudge, Christine Senica, Hayley Short to let Fr. Ronald know lunch and free periods so we can schedule Eucharistic minister training.
The next Last Supper Club out will be a week from today, Wednesday, September 11th. Want to help set it up? See Fr. Ronald.
Want to help with a skit for the homecoming mass? See Fr. Ronald.
Tickets for the Homecoming dance will be on sale during lunch beginning Monday, Sept. 9. The cost is $10 for one ticket and $20 for two tickets.
Freshmen! Today is the last day to submit your student government petition to Mrs. Manning. It needs to be handed in by 2:40 pm.
Any freshmen that would like to vote in the student government elections must join the Classroom with the following code: zmnsu5. There will be no paper voting. The election will take place during homeroom on Friday, Sept. 6.
HERITAGE CLUB MEMBERS: You are formally invited to our FIRST FIESTA! Details for time and location can be found on the Classroom page. Remember, members who did not make their $15 payment after sign up ($10 for t-shirt & $5 for first fiesta) will not be granted entry.
Seniors who ordered shorts for spirit day need to see Mrs. Manning for a small refund.
Mr. Jagiella’s Physics students please see Mrs. Mershon before class today.
All Ambassadors should check GroupMe message and sign up for a time for the Back2School Bash at Baker Lake
The following students need to come to the school office during homeroom today: Ben Koyak, Tyreke Fortney, Hentry Orteza, Aleanna Mendoza, Maureen Gensler, Celeste Thompson, and Lia Bosnich, and Maddy Mudge, and Grace Spolec.
HELP! Fr. Ronald needs 2 boys to help move a piece piece of furniture after school. If you can help, see him during homeroom.
Attention Senior and Junior girls interested participating in the powder puff game: there will be a brief meeting in Mrs. Manning’s room during homeroom TODAY.
Madalyn Theesfeld see Coach McGunnigal today during homeroom
Clayton Justi See coach Cummings during homeroom today
All student government members will meet in Mrs. Manning’s room on Friday during homeroom.