Daily Announcements - Thurs., August 29, 2019
Marcia Wagner
Falling down is an accident. Staying down is a choice.
Our Donor of the Day is Joseph Lehrer. Mr. Lehrer, Senior Vice President with Citibank, is a 1979 graduate and will be celebrating his 40th reunion this year. He is loyal and generous supporter for decades and we are blessed with his kindness. Please keep him in a special prayer of thanks today.
2019 Homecoming dance is Sunday September 22. If you plan on bringing a guest from another school you must fill out and return a guest request form available in Mrs. Plankenhorn’s office.
Last chance to sign up for Heritage Club, so don't miss out! Be sure to submit your payment before the end of the week.
Freshman may pick up a petition to run for student government representative. They’re available through Friday, Aug. 30 in Mrs. Manning’s room. To be included on the ballot, your paper needs to be returned to Mrs. Manning by Wednesday, Sept. 4.
Seniors who ordered shorts for spirit day should see Mrs. Manning for a small refund.
Students admitted free to Friday nights game MUST have picture ID.
The theme for Friday night’s football game is NEON!!
Last Supper Club to Four Star today at 6:30. Those going will receive details today during lunch.
Eucharistic ministers who have not yet been trained put your lunch period and other free periods on the list on Fr. Ronald's office door so that a training session can be arranged.
Football team mass after school today.
Make a note to yourself so that you remember to bring in food items for our hungry sisters and brothers.
Stage Rats meet tonight at 7:30 p.m. in the gym to work on prop management and storage.
Abby Weber, Antonia Cattani, Christine Senica, Hannah Johnson, Kassidy Brady, and Macy Bosnich see Coach McGunnigal during homeroom today
Jacob Schirz. Please see Fr. Ronald during homeroom.
Perla De La Torre please see Mrs. Plankenhorn during homeroom today.
Vicky Li please see Mrs. Wagner during homeroom today.
The following students please see Mrs. Griggs today during homeroom in the band room. Tim Duluga, Olivia Cisneros, Mary Lowery, Thomas Mattlock, Paige Kraml, Ben Johl, Audrey Lopez, Maddy Theesfeld, Gwen Gonzalez.