Daily Announcements - Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2019
Marcia Wagner
Tuesday December 3, 2019
Your past doesn't determine who you are. Your past prepares you for who you are to become.
➢ Today is #GIVINGTUESDAY! We have a goal of $83,000! Students please remember to stop by Mrs. Gengler’s office for a sweet treat as a thank you for your “Sweet Support”. Thank you for your help in making #GIVINGTUESDAY not just another Tuesday! All participating students will have the opportunity to win one of three prizes!
➢ Students enrolled in the Online Spanish Creative Writing Course: Please remember to pick up and drop off your portfolios in a timely manner. You officially have 11 days to complete and submit your final projects.
➢ Mrs. Schaefer is NOT here again today the ONLY people that are to go to Academic Achievement are the study skill class period C, and study skills students that need to take a test. All other students are to remain in their study halls.
➢ Scholastic Bowl practice Wednesday Varsity and Thursday JV this week
➢ The next Last Supper Club outing Wednesday, December 11 to Iniga wood-fired Pizzeria Napoletana in Ottawa. Get your name on the list.
➢ All-school mass on Thursday, St. Nicholas Eve. Bring a toy to mass for underprivileged kids. Also, bring a small gift or card for your prayer partner.
➢ Kentucky Mission trip July 5-11. Sign up, if interested.
➢ Interested in going to Misericordia in Chicago to work with persons with mild to profound developmental disabilities? See. Fr. Ronald
➢ Not too late to get a box for Reverse Advent calendars. Each day add a food item for the hungry.
➢ Habitat for Humanity home building on Saturday, December 14. Interested? See Fr. Ronald.
➢ Fr. Dominic’s freshmen religion classes bring your textbooks to class today.
➢ Please excuse Bradley Benckendorf, Connor Jackson, and Christine Senica at 11:30 tomorrow, to attend the Rotary luncheon at the Uptown. Students remember to check-out in the main office when you leave and check-in when you return.
➢ Ms. Bernabei will be out of the office the week of final exams Dec 16 – 20th. She will return on Jan 7th after break. Please check your 2nd semester schedules NOW and see Ms. Bernabei asap if you have a question or if an error needs to be corrected. There will be no schedule changes made in January.
➢ Auditions for the spring musical "Seussical" will be held next Tuesday and Wednesday December 10th and 11th from 7-9 in the choir room and Thursday December 12 after school. Be prepared to sing a short part of a prepared piece of your choice. Call backs are scheduled for Sunday, December 15th at 3:00. A script is located on the spring musical google classroom. Please join with code 4gdvzi. Questions, please see Fr. Dominic or Mrs. Griggs
➢ Following see Mrs. Margherio during HR - Anna Lopez, Mia Waters, Richard Talbot, Arianna Heersink, Hayden Arkins, Ava Stone, Lilylu Rau-Fernandez, Jacob Lowery, Rhiannon Searl,