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Daily Announcements

Daily Announcements - Thursday, January 16, 2020

Guest User

People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel.

  • Our Donor of the Day is Floyd Salz. Mr. Salz is a 1948 graduate and lives in Tonica, IL. We are blessed with his kindness and generosity for decades. Please keep him in a special prayer of thanks today.

  • Track sign- up sheet in office for those still interested.

  • Coach Allen’s B period PE report to room 231 for class today, Period F report to room 326 Period G report to study hall in the student commons please bring study materials.

  • There will be a meeting for all who plan to play softball this spring in the gym this Sunday at 11:30. Please try to attend even if you do not attend open gym. Fish fry tickets will be passed out, information on spring break will also be discussed

  • It’s going to be a cold, snowy day tomorrow! Perfect weather for a ‘sweatpants day!’ Come to school in your sweatpants or jeans. No “tight fitting” yoga style pants will be allowed, but you can make that work. Your $5 donation will go toward the Polar Plunge for Special Olympics.

  • Ski trip this Monday the 20th, Martin Luther King Day. Not too late to sign up. See the sheet on Fr. Ronald's office door. Fr. Ronald not here today. If you have your permission forms, you can put them under his office door. If you are just signing up, he will give you a permission form tomorrow

  • Christmas is over. Many of our sisters and brothers are still hungry. Please bring food in and put in blue cart on the first floor.


  • Allie Hernandez please see Mrs. Morrow during homeroom.

  • Kristal De La Torre, Lea Asani, Ian Yang, Aaron Wang, and Maks Sharshekeev please come to the Business Office.

  • Rylan and Arianna Heersink please see Mrs. Plankenhorn during homeroom today.

  • Paul Hart and Zach Roebuck please see Mrs. Prokup today during homeroom.

  • Peter Sampson and Anthony Hernandez please see Mrs. Griggs during homeroom in the band room today.

  • Maddy Theesfeld see Mr. Cummings in the Art Studio during homeroom today.