Daily Announcements - Tuesday, December 17, 2019
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Your dream doesn't have an expiration date. Take a deep breath and try again.
TODAY IS THE LAST DAY YOU CAN TAKE MAKE UP TESTS OR QUIZZES THAT MIGHT BE WAITING FOR YOU IN ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT. Go see Mrs. Schaefer during your study hall or immediately after school to take it or it will be given back to your class teacher and graded as-is.
Both rooms of Academic Achievement will be closed during B period today except to students taking a final or other test. Others should report to Study hall with Mr Fess.
Academic Achievement will be closed all 3 days of finals. Students must report to their regular study halls
Want to get in the holiday spirit? Caroling after exams tomorrow at Liberty Village. You'll be treated to lunch at Steak and Shake. See Fr. Ronald during homeroom.
Our fight song was adopted on this date in 1963.
Toilet Paper Tower Class Competition in January. Get your donations for the rolls of paper to your English teacher.
Want to go to Misericordia in Chicago in January and work with individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities? See Fr. Ronald.
Mr. Fitzpatrick’s Period C report to Mrs. Manning’s room today.
Jared Rouse, Andrew Goddard, and Wesley Coon please see Mrs. Plankenhorn during homeroom today.
We are looking for 10 students to compete in the AMC (American Mathematics Competition) on February 5th. There will be an informational meeting now in the collaborative room.
All Boarding students please meet in the refectory now.