Daily Announcements - Friday, December 6, 2019
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It's our moments of struggle that define us; how we handle them is what matters.
STUDENT COMMONS is CLOSED today. All study halls will be in your instructor’s class room with period E-1 reporting to the LOFT
Congratulations to our class of 2020 Illinois State Scholars: Macy Bosnich, Kassidy Brady, Jacob Lowery, Sam Maschmann, Claudia Orteza, and Madeline Spayer. Please come to the school office for a photo at this time.
Heritage Club Members: For those who signed up for the Chicago Trip this Sunday, be sure to bring shopping and lunch money. We will meet outside of the Perino Science Center at 8:15am. Bus leaves at 8:30 so be on time!
Students if you are absent from school for being SICK you are NOT allowed to attend after school activities i.e. games, practices, meetings etc. If you’re too sick to come to school you are too sick to attend these functions.
Online Spanish Creative Writing Course: Please remember to drop off and PICK UP your portfolios before you go home for the weekend. You officially have 8 days to complete and submit your final projects, so get to work this weekend, estudiantes!
The next Last Supper outing is Wednesday, for wood-fired pizza in Ottawa. Get your name on the list.
Remember to keep your prayer partner in your prayers.
Interested in going to Misericordia in Chicago to work with persons with mild to profound developmental disabilities? See. Fr. Ronald
Habitat for Humanity home building on Saturday, December 14. Interested? See Fr. Ronald.
This weekend a good time to get a toy, book or game for a needy child.
Want to help shop for toys on Thursday or help with distribution on Saturday? Get your name on the list on Fr. Ronald's door.
Want to learn to make tortellini or, raviolas, as we call them in the Illinois Valley? You can do so tomorrow with Fr. Ronald and others. See him for more info.
Ms. Bernabei will be out of the office the week of final exams Dec 16 – 20th. She will return on Jan 7th after break. Please check your 2nd semester schedules NOW and see Ms. Bernabei ASAP if you have a question or if an error needs to be corrected. There will be no schedule changes made in January.
Congratulations to Kassidy Brady and Beau Bonnell. Earlier this month they were nominated for the Princeton Elks Teen of the Month competition. This week they have been selected as the winners. Kassidy and Beau are now eligible to compete for the Teen of the Year competition. Kassidy and Beau please Ms. Bernabei for more details.
The following Heritage Club members need to turn in the rest of or all of their Advent calendar money ASAP: Alexandria Kunkel, Michael Shaw, Lily Learned, Olivia Cisneros, Ben Johll, Miranda Mazzorana, Berklee Linnig, and Macy Bosnich.
All Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior Football Players check your google classroom
Just a reminder to all the students working the Jingle & Mingle Dueling Piano event on this Saturday and those cleaning up on Sunday to be here on time. If there is any question on what time you need to be here or what to wear the information is hanging on Mrs. Prokup's door.
All teachers will be available in their classroom on Tuesday December 10th after dismissal from 1:40-2:40 to answer questions for any student who desires to do so. All students are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity as you prepare for Final Exams.
John & Ryan Brady see Mrs. Prokup during homeroom today.
Kassidy Brady, Allison Morton, Jake Jackson and Madelyn Torrance. Please see Fr. Ronald now.
Charlie Vaessen please see Mrs. Horst in Room 217 during homeroom