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Daily Announcements

Daily Announcements - Tuesday, November 26, 2019

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It's one thing to profess a belief. It's another to let it transform your life.

  • Our Donor of the Day is: James and Jude Wimbiscus. Judge Wimbiscus is a 1955 graduate of St. Bede. Judge and Jude are loyal friends and supporters for decades. We are blessed with their kindness and generosity. Please keep them in a special prayer of thanks today.

  • Our Donor of the Day for Wednesday, November 27th is Jeffrey Chemelewski. Dr. Chemelewski is 1970 graduate and is a veterinarian at Fox Valley Animal Hospital in Crystal Lake. We are blessed with his kindness and generosity. Please keep him in a special prayer of thanks today.

  • Don’t forget #GIVINGTUESDAY is next Tuesday! Students stop by Mrs. Gengler’s office to be a part of #GIVINGTUESDAY and help us reach our goal of $83,000. All participating students will have the opportunity to win one of three prizes!

  • Students taking IVCC courses next semester please get your registration papers into Mrs. Plankenhorn on Monday

  • Over the break is a good time to pick up toys for our toy drive.

  • Girls' TEC the first weekend of December. See Fr. Ronald, if interested or you want more information or an application.

  • Sign-up sheets on Fr. Ronald's door for: Habitat for Humanity home building on Saturday,December 14, The next Last Supper Club outing in December to Iniga wood-fired Pizzeria Napoletana in Ottawa, Outing to Peoria for huge Nativity display, Christmas shopping and supper at Avanti's on Friday, December 6th and Kentucky Mission trip July 5-11, Outing to Misericordia in Chicago to work with persons with mild to profound developmental disabilities.Reverse Advent calendars.

  • When we return from Thanksgiving break, student government will have a mitten tree near The Loft. Please consider purchasing a pair over break to help those in need. Bring your donations to school and add them to the tree!

  • Gianna Grivetti, Alyssa Heitz, Andi Cattani, Camille Carlson, Aleanna Mendoza, William Payton and Payge Pyszka - Please Pick Up Your Golf Gear in Mrs. Gengler's Office TODAY!! Thank You!!


  • Wilt Cao and Christopher Insco please come to the Business Office.

  • Meeting in The Loft for any student's interested in learning more about the China 2020 tour over spring break. If you're unable to attend, see Mrs. Wagner in Room 123 or pick up a flyer in the main office.

  • Katie Lukancic please see Mrs. Plankenhorn during homeroom today.

  • All varsity girl basketball players please come to Coach McGunnigal’s office during homeroom today.