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Summer Camps

to Jul 16

Girl's Speed & Agility Camp

  • Google Calendar ICS

Bruins’ Strength & Conditioning Coach, Sam Allen, will teach form, technique and skills to produce the best speed times for each individual.  Training and skill building will develop around proper use of body mechanics and power development.  Coach Allen also teaches Health at Saint Bede and will also offer tips for proper nutrition and hydration for every athlete.  The camp will include techniques for quick footwork, explosiveness, and injury prevention through proper training and muscle development 

All attendees will meet in Abbot Vincent Gymnasium for this camp.

Open to students entering 3rd  – 9th grades

Time: 11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.

Date:  Mon, July 12 - Fri, July 16    

Cost:  $40.00 includes t-shirt

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to Jul 16

Boy's Speed & Agility Camp

  • Google Calendar ICS

Bruins’ Strength & Conditioning Coach, Sam Allen, will teach form, technique and skills to produce the best speed times for each individual.  Training and skill building will develop around proper use of body mechanics and power development.  Coach Allen also teaches Health at Saint Bede and will also offer tips for proper nutrition and hydration for every athlete.  The camp will include techniques for quick footwork, explosiveness, and injury prevention through proper training and muscle development 

All attendees will meet in Abbot Vincent Gymnasium for this camp.

Open to students entering 3rd  – 9th grades

Time: 10:45 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Date:  Mon, July 12 - Fri, July 16    

Cost:  $40.00 includes t-shirt

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to Jul 15

Football Camp

Saint Bede Head Football Coach, Jim Eustice, and his staff (combined over 60 years of experience) and players will offer how to block, tackle, run, and pass the Bruin way!  This camp promises a great week for aspiring football players to learn the game and reinforce some good skill habits.  Campers will have chances to win prizes through competitions and games.  Please wear cleats if you have them.  This camp will meet at the gym entrance.

Open to students entering 2nd  – 9th grades

Time: 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

Date:  Mon, July 12th  - Thur, July 15th

Cost:  $45.00 includes t-shirt

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to Jun 23

Girl's Basketball Post Camp

Lady Bruins’ varsity coach, Tom McGunnigal, will teach the skills needed for all post players to play at a high level.  Skills taught will range from basic post moves to finishing at the basket.  This will be an intense training camp for those who want to make themselves a better post player.

Open to students entering 7th – 12th grades

Time: 1:00 – 2:30 p.m.

Date:  Tues, June 22 and Wed, June 23    

Cost:  $40.00 includes t-shirt

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to Jun 24

Lady Bruins Basketball Camp

  • Google Calendar ICS

Coach Tom McGunnigal, his coaching staff, and players will offer instruction and demonstration on shooting, passing, dribbling, and defense.   

 Session One:  Students entering 4th – 6th grades

Time: 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

 Session Two:  Students entering 7th – 9th grades

Time: 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

 Date:  Mon, June 21 thru Thur, June 24

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to Jun 18

Boy's Basketball Camp

  • Google Calendar ICS

Learn the basic fundamentals of basketball - dribbling, passing, rebounding, and defense in a fun and exciting environment!  Saint Bede basketball coach, Brian Hanson, and his players will lead the week-long camp consisting of station drills, daily skill challenges, and individual instruction.  The team game with competitions and scrimmages will also be a part of the instruction.  Prizes and awards will be given for different competitions throughout the wee 

Session One: Students entering grades 4th through 6th

Time: 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Session Two: Students entering grades 7th through 9th

Time: 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Date:  Mon, June 14 thru Fri, June 18

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to Jun 10

Volleyball Camp

Coach Abbi Bosnich in her first season leading the Lady Bruins volleyball program is hosting this summer camp for all interested players.  Along with current members of the volleyball team, campers will begin to develop sound game skills and advance their current abilities.  Through competitive drills and team play players will improve their game in a positive and supportive camp setting.  Campers are encouraged to bring their own knee pads, if they have them.

 Session One:  Students entering 4th – 6th grades

Time: 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

Session Two:  Students entering 7th – 9th grades

Time: 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Date:  Mon, June 7 through Thur, June 10       

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to Jun 4

Golf Camp

Learn the fundamentals of golf with Saint Bede golf coach Rich Cummings.  You will learn the golf swing, grip, stance and alignment.  Some special guest teachers will make appearances throughout the camp.  You need golf clubs and we provide the golf balls.  Meet at “bus parking area, west of the gym.”

Appropriate for school-age children

Date: Tues, June 1 through Fri, June 4  

Time: 9:00 – 10:30 A

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