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Tax Information Available Now on FACTS!

Marcia Wagner

January 19, 2022

 Dear Parents & Guardians,

The 2021 Summary of Tuition and Fees paid to Saint Bede Academy is now available from FACTS Management.  The report is only available online.  Families must log in to their FACTS account online to print a payment summary for tax purposes, which serves as your receipt for qualified K-12 education expense.  

To retrieve and print your payment summary, visit and sign in to your account.  Select View Details to the right of “Payment Plan & Billing”, and then click on the blue box, View Payment Summary. Once on the payment summary page, verify the year is tax year 2021.  A printer-friendly report is available by clicking the print button in the upper right-hand corner.

The report that is generated will provide fees, both extracurricular and registration, and tuition, paid both online to FACTS and to Saint Bede Academy in the calendar year 2021.  A sample of the FACTS payment summary has been included below. 

If you have questions or difficulties logging in to your account, please contact FACTS Management customer service at 866-412-4637. Other general questions can be directed to myself at 815-250-0360 or 

It is important to note that not all payments made to Saint Bede for fees are eligible for the State of Illinois tax credit.  Only the Registration Fee which covers textbooks, lab fees, and materials is deductible.

To claim the tax credit, you will need to complete the education expense credit worksheet in the Form IL-1040 instructions.  Please refer to IL-Publication 132 if you need additional information or call the Illinois Department of Revenue at 800-732-8866.


Ashley Bohne

Business Office Manager

Saint Bede Abbey and Academy


Marcia Wagner

Attached, please find the most up-to-date guidance we have from the IDPH, ISBE, and the CDC. Please read the information. Saint Bede does not set this protocol or guidance, we simply follow it. Unfortunately, if a student states they are symptomatic, they automatically fall into the COVID-19 protocol, regardless of vaccination status. 

We understand that people are fatigued with COVID-19 and the protocol. We are too. Please remember to be kind and help up as we simply follow the guidance that has been issued to us. 

We hope to soon be able to offer in-house COVID-19 testing. When we are able to do so, we will let you know. 

Educationally Yours, 
The Saint Bede Administration Team