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St. Bede hires first-ever school social worker


St. Bede hires first-ever school social worker

Jonathan Steben

This school year, St. Bede has welcomed its own Megan (Considine) Theisinger '09 to the Academy's new role as school social worker. Theisinger comes from a long line of proud Bruins dating back to the class of '54. In her new role, Theisinger will work to advocate and be a support for all students, especially those with social-emotional needs impacting learning. Her job will be to intervene and problem-solve so that students not only are taught the skills they need, but also do not fall further behind in academics.

"It's important for students to have access to a social worker because of the rise in mental health needs in teens and adolescents. I think it's important to have this role in a school to be proactive and intervene quickly," she said.

Theisinger explained teens have a lot to navigate between schoolwork, teachers, extra curriculars, friends, etc.

"It can be a lot to juggle, especially when you add traumatic life events such as loss of loved ones, depression and anxiety. Students are challenged with lots of pressure and I am eager to be a friendly face to help them through it," she said.

While a new position at St. Bede, social work is not new territory for Theisinger. In addition to working at The Center for the Homeless in South Bend as part of her internship at Saint Mary’s College in Notre Dame, IN, being a Foster Care Caseworker at the Center for Youth and Family Solutions in LaSalle and working as a Hospice Social Worker at St. Margaret’s Health, she interned as a School Social Worker at LaSalle Elementary during her time at Aurora University, where she earned a master of science degree in social work, and just completed her sixth school year as a School Social Worker within the Streator Elementary School District.

"My experiences working with trauma, anxiety, depression and social skills coupled with my Catholic education and faith have well-equipped me to dive in at St. Bede," she said. "It is so special to be back here. I loved growing up here with my mom, sisters, grandparents and aunts and uncles (all proud alums). This was my favorite spot to spend on a Friday night when I was little. I don't think I would have made it through high school without the support of some amazing people in a variety of roles at St. Bede checking in on me, believing in me and cheering me on. I always had people here that I could count on as a support. I became a school social worker to be what I needed when I was younger. This is an opportunity to be the same support to St. Bede students that I had when I was a student here."

If you or your student is seeking Mrs. Theisinger’s assistance, they can call her at 815-250-0343, or via email at