St. Bede Academy announces top 10 academic students
Goldie Rapp
Pictured are the class of 2023’s top 10 students: Zoe Roebuck (front row, from left), Gianna Grivetti, Isabella Villalobos, Kristal De La Torre, Macy Zeglis, Lilylu RauhFernandez (back row, from left), Anna Lopez, Madelyn Torrance, Kylie Cofoid and Ava Stone.
Peru, IL – St. Bede Academy Principal Nick McLaughlin is pleased to announce the class of 2023’s top 10. These students have honorably represented St. Bede Academy in scholastic and non-scholastic events, in service to St. Bede and the surrounding community and in character with the Benedictine tradition.
Students are listed in alphabetical order:
Kylie Cofoid is the daughter of Scott Rynke of LaSalle and Mandi Cofoid of Peru and a member of St. Patrick’s Catholic Church. She graduated from Parkside Middle School. Cofoid intends to obtain a degree in actuarial science from either the University of Wisconsin-Madison or Ohio State University. She was awarded the AP Computer Science Principles award her sophomore year, named an Illinois State Scholar and received recognition as an AP Computer Science female student from the College Board National Recognition Program. Cofoid was active in softball her freshman and sophomore years, and was a member of the Yearbook, Interact, Lectio Divina and Heritage clubs. She is a St. Bede Ambassador, member of the WYSE team, an eucharistic minister and a peer tutor. Cofoid volunteered her time peer tutoring, being an altar server at her parish and working Knights of Columbus and St. Bede events. In addition, she worked concessions for local youth activities.
Kristal De La Torre is the daughter of Jose De La Torre of Spring Valley and Esmeralda Avila of Oglesby and a member of St. Columba Catholic Church. She graduated from Trinity Catholic Academy in LaSalle. De La Torre will be attending the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and plans to pursue a career in speech pathology and communication disorders. She has been voted Most Improved by her tennis team, she is a captain of the basketball team and she received the National Rural and Small Town Program Scholar and National Hispanic Recognition Program Scholar. De La Torre has participated in volleyball, tennis and basketball while at St. Bede, and was a member of the Heritage, Interact, Pep and Tea clubs. She is a Eucharistic Minister, St. Bede Ambassador and Student Government secretary. She has volunteered working at St. Bede youth camps, as well as events and admissions at Trinity Catholic. De La Torre strives to earn her Masters in speech pathology and work in a school or hospital helping children with their communication disorders.
Gianna Grivetti is the daughter of Jim and Stephanie Grivetti of Ladd and a member of St. Joseph’s in Peru. She graduated from Peru Catholic Grade School. She plans to attend a four-year university and major in civil engineering. Grivetti has been the recipient of three math awards, three English awards, a chemistry award, a Spanish award and a U.S. history award. Her sophomore year, she was voted the HOBY representative. She was a key member of the girls’ golf team and was named First Team All Conference three years in a row and Golfer of the Year for the News Tribune and Bureau County Republican. In addition to golf, Grivetti is a St. Bede Ambassador and Eucharistic Minister. Her free time is spent volunteering at the St. Bede youth camps, Ladd Grade School, Ladd library and tutoring.
Anna Lopez is the daughter of Chris and Carrie Lopez of Spring Valley and a member of LaSalle Catholic Parishes. She is a graduate of Trinity Catholic Academy. Lopez plans to attend a four-year university where she will take the pre-med track and major in Biomedical Laboratory Science. She has been an honor roll student and received National Hispanic Recognition. She placed seventh in the IHSA state triple jump, was named Bureau County Republican Track Athlete of the Year and Illinois Top Times Triple Jump Champion. Lopez has participated in track and volleyball, and was a member of the Tea Club. Volunteer activities for her include helping DePue Mens Club and youth volleyball camps. Lopez plans to attend med school and pursue a career in reconstructive procedures.
LilyLu RauhFernandez is the daughter of Elizabeth Rauh and a graduate of Trinity Catholic Academy. RauhFernandez plans to attend Illinois Valley Community College before transferring to a four-year university to major in psychology. She is an honor roll student and received the College Board Rural and Small Town Recognition Award. RauhFernandez participated in cheer and tennis all four years. She is a member of the Heritage and Rotary clubs and a St. Bede Ambassador. She has volunteered her time working cheer camps and at St. Margaret's Health in Peru.
Zoe Roebuck is the daughter of Michael and Carrie Roebuck and a graduate of Waltham Grade School. Roebuck plans to attend a four-year university where she will major in accounting with hopes of becoming a CPA and starting her own accounting firm. She has been on the honor roll every semester. Roebuck participated in track and was a member of the Heritage Club. She volunteered her time helping with the Special Olympics and the Utica Knights of Columbus.
Ava Stone is the daughter of Bob and Amy Stone of Oglesby and a graduate of Holy Family. Stone plans to attend University of Wisconsin Platteville and study psychology, forensic science and criminal justice. She has been an honor roll student every semester and was a recipient of the Christian Service Award. In addition to her studies, Stone has been a four-year member of the cheerleading squad. She has been an active member of the Yearbook Club, Pep Club, Fall Theatre, Spring Musicals, Lectio Divina, Rotary, and One Bread One Cup. She enjoys volunteering her time at Illinois Valley Animal Rescue, Bedan Club events, participating in the Polar Plunge and singing in the Holy Family Church choir. Stone’s long-term goal is to earn a master’s degree in forensics and pursue a career in law or forensic investigations with a state law enforcement agency.
Madelyn Torrance is the daughter of Dean and Theresa Torrance and a graduate from Putnam County Junior High in McNabb. Torrance has applied to Rose-Hulman, Louisiana State University and University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. She plans to major in chemical engineering. Torrance was the recipient of the Honors Chemistry Award, Honors English Award and Spanish award her sophomore year. Junior year she earned the AP Chemistry Award and the Christian Service Program Award. She is the salutatorian of her class, an Illinois State Scholar and the September Elks Teen of the Month. She has been given the Rural and Small Town National Recognition Award from College Board, as well as the AP Computer Science Female Diversity Award. Additionally, she was invited and has accepted membership of the National Society of High School Scholars. Torrance is an active member of Student Government, Ambassadors, Tea Club and was a Mad Hatter Ball Student Honoree. She was a participant in the ACES- Academic Challenge in Science and Engineering, Three Rivers Athletic Conference Art Festival and St. Bede Genesius Project. Torrance is also a varsity cross country participant, being named 2022 All-Bureau County Republican Girls Cross-Country Team and Best Teammate. She was named 2nd team all conference and Utility Player of the Year for the 2022 Softball season. She is also a member of a very successful girls bowling team. Torrance has put in a great deal of time volunteering at places such as: Echo Bluff, LaSalle County Historical Society, Illinois Valley Center for Independent Living, youth camps, and 4-H. Torrance strives to earn a doctorate in chemical engineering.
Isabella Villalobos is the daughter of Dr. Ernesto and Linda Villalobos of Princeton and a member of St. Louis Church. She is a graduate of Holy Cross. Villalobos plans to attend University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and receive a degree in human development. She was named an Illinois State Scholar and College Board Rural and Small Town Recognition Program, College Board National Hispanic Recognition Program Award and John Ourth Student Recognition Award. In addition to being on the honor roll all four years at St. Bede, Villalobos was involved in Rotary and Student Government and was a St. Bede Ambassador. She volunteered at her local church, Echo Bluff, Peru Fire Station and Knights of Columbus. Villalobos’s goal is to become either a pediatrician or veterinarian and run her own practice.
Macy Zeglis is the daughter of Edward and Lisa Zeglis of Spring Valley and a member of Nativity of Our Lord Parish. She is a graduate of Holy Family. Zeglis plans to attend college to major in Aviation Flight Technology and minor in air traffic control. She is the recipient of an academic world history award and named Academic All-Conference Recognition for the Three Rivers Conference. She was named Most Improved for track and MVP for cross-country, as well as being named All BCR Girls Cross Country Team. Zeglis has participated in volleyball, track, bowling and cross country during her time at St. Bede. She is a student ambassador, Eucharistic Minister and a member of Prom Committee, Bruinomics and Rotary. Zeglis has been a consistent volunteer for Echo Bluff and school events along with participating in the Knights of Columbus Hunger Blitz. Her long-term goals are to graduate with a degree in aviation, earn a commercial pilot’s license and become a flight instructor. Eventually, she hopes to work for a major airline and become an airline transport pilot.