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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Thursday, February 9, 2023

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Jesus was completely human just like us.  Therefore, he knows what our lives are like.  And he can also show us the best way to live.

  • Attention SBA students: Heritage Club needs your help! Heritage Club is collecting supplies and monetary donations for people affected by the earthquake and aftershocks. Find the flyers displayed around the school with a list of desperately needed items. Bring items or monetary donations to rooms 115 or 204. Please join us as we support Ali and Yigit and the people of Turkey.

  •  Homeroom meeting tomorrow for those participating in the Polar Plunge.  Still room for others who want to sign up.

  •  Anyone interested in Track and Field the meeting today at 2:45 has been moved to tomorrow at 2:45 room 17 in the Perino Science Center. Again, Today's meeting for all those interested in Track and Field this year will be Friday at 2:45, room 17 in the Perino Science Center.

  •  Seniors: the scholarship for Tonica Grade School graduates is due on March 3rd.  The application is available on the SBA Scholarship list on the guidance website.

  • If you are interested in the food car race coming up in 2 weeks.  Please sign up on the science club classroom today.  If there are no participants on the list, we may cancel tomorrow's meeting and the trip to race food cars.   Class code is 2se7p7z.

  • Attention Seniors and any other students who may be in need of more service hours - There are some new opportunities in the LaSalle County area. See Mr. Davy in room 227 or check out the 'Volunteer Service Opportunities List' on x2vol.

  • Any young men wishing to play tennis for Saint Bede Academy this Spring - see Coach Davy in room 227 tomorrow - Friday February 10th during homeroom to learn about this opportunity to have fun playing a sport you can play your entire life!

  • Congratulations to Ryan Migliorini for receiving the News Tribune Athlete of the Week for his performance at Regionals as Regional Champ at 195 lbs!!!Way to represent St. Bede Academy!!!!


  • Would Johnnie Brown please see Mrs. Makransky NOW?

  • Meeting right NOW in student dining room for all going on Ski Trip on Presidents' Day.