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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Friday, February 3, 2023

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No matter what the headache or heartache, we need only lift it up to God. 

  • Catholic School’s Week Fact of the Day:

  • You can walk from the backdoor of the gym to the front door of the Abbey Church without ever actually setting foot outdoors.

  • Riddle of the Day:

    I possess a halo of water, walls of stone, and a tongue of wood. Long I have stood; what am I?

  •  oday is the Feast of St. Blaise. Blessing of throats will be available during lunch periods.

  •  Want to go skiing on Presidents' Day?  Get your name on list posted near Fr. Ronald's office.

  • Over the weekend please pick up some food for the Blue Cart for our hungry sisters and brothers.

  •  Scholastic Bowl on Monday at Orion bus leaving at 3:20

  • Attention Freshmen! We are hosting Shadow Days at the end of March and are planning to use select students as freshmen guides. Check the list outside Mr. Steben's office to see who has been chosen to be a guide. We will meet next Monday Feb 6 during homeroom to go over your responsibilities and expectations for those days. Any questions, see Mr. Steben.

  •  Get your planners out and mark your calendars for Ambassador Interviews! Interviews for next year's Ambassadors will be Wednesday-Friday, April 19-21 after school. More details will be given in the coming months.

  •  Meeting for all who may be interested in playing Golf in the fall of next year Tuesday during homeroom in the art studio.

  •  Jugs will be in Mrs. Cox’s room 220 after school today.

  •  Good luck to the wrestling team and the girls bowling team this weekend as they head to Regionals!

  •  Representing St. Bede at the IHSA Kewanee Regional 

    Landon Boggio

    Trajan Raffety

    Logan Pineda

    Evan Englehaupt 

    Garrett Connelly

    Grady Gillan

    Jake Migliorini

    Ryan Migliorini

    Michael Shaw

  • Juniors – please have your course selections entered in your portal by Monday. Talk to your teachers, see or email Ms. Bernabei if you have questions about the classes you should take.


  • Max and Savannah Bray see Ms. Bernabei now.