ANNOUNCEMENTS - Wednesday, January 18, 2023
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Our lives genuinely improve only when we become better people today than we were yesterday.
The food pantry can take our food on Friday. We will deliver it on Friday. So, please consider bringing some in to help our hungry sisters and brothers.
Want to be a Polar Plunger? Get your name on the list on the board outside Fr. Ronald's office door.
Boys' TEC coming up in late February. See Fr. Ronald for more information.
Girls Bowling Team will be leaving after E1 today. Good Luck Girls!!!!!
Congratulations to the cast of Freaky Friday. Your first rehearsal is this Sunday at 2 pm. Check the classroom for more details.
Scholastic Bowl Practice tomorrow (Thursday) after school in the Art Studio
Volunteers needed to keep score Monday for the scholastic Bowl match from 5 to 8 see Coach Cummings.
There will be a Podcast Club meeting after school today in room 213.
Jake Migliorini, Daniella Gonzales, and Ryan Brady please see Mrs. Hurst in the Main Office
Georgina Guo to Mr. Steben’s office during Homeroom today