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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Wednesday, January 11, 2023

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Think about it.  The very God who created the universe and governs the cosmos has come to seek your personal loyalty. 

  • Reminder that there will be a back-to-school mass tomorrow! Follow Mass Schedule “A”

  • Please get your Reverse Advent Calendar boxes in--you can bring them to the science center.  

  •  Students, some lunch expectations for the 2nd Semester.

    1.    Inside voices only in the lunch room.  if we get too loud, we will need to enforce silent lunches.

    2.    Make sure you have your student ID when requesting to use the restroom.

    3.    No cutting in line.

    4.    You will be released by tables or sections.  Please do not leave early.

    5.    A limit of 8 students per table will be enforced beginning 1/10/23.  Please respect this limit. 

    6.     Please remember to do your best to clear off your try at the garbage can.

  • Students attending the basketball games.  Please be so kind as to pick up your trash from the student section after the game.  Please do not leave your mess for someone else to clean up.  

  •  Polar Plunge to benefit Special Olympics in February.  If interested, put your name on the sign-up sheet on the board near Fr. Ronald's office for details.

  •  Juniors, if you are interested in taking an Area Career Center class your senior year you need to attend the tour of the ACC building & classrooms on Jan 20th.  You will meet the teachers, see classes in session and get a chance to ask questions. Sign up and get a permission form on the main office. Permission forms due Jan 18th.

  •  Applications for the Delyte K. and Robert I. Zearing Scholarship are now available from the Bureau, Henry, and Stark Regional Office of Education #28. See Mrs. Hurst or Mrs. Bernabei for more information.

  • Sign up on the spring musical google classroom for auditions today or tomorrow after school. All info is posted in the classroom. See Mrs. Griggs if you have questions or need to request a different audition. Grab your friends and try something new!

  •  Auditions for the spring musical are today at 5:30, Thursday at 3:30 and an additional date/time this Sunday at noon in Mrs. Griggs room.  Please sign up for a time with the google form located in the musical google classroom.

  • Help is needed both tonight and tomorrow night at the basketball games.  Students WILL receive service hours.  Please see Mr. Armato or Mr. Hancock ASAP.

  •  Congratulations to the Boys Varsity Basketball program on their victory last evening. 

  •  A special Thank You from Mr. McLaughlin & Mr. Armato to all of our students wearing pink last evening at the game in support of the Kewanee student who passed away over the weekend.  This was an awesome and fantastic gesture for our student to show solidarity in compassion and empathy for another school and community.   Great job Bruins!


  •  Attention Students seeking Service Hours!

    Have you ever thought about working in the Health Care Field?

    See Mr. Davy during Homeroom in Room 227 today and Friday for this exciting opportunity in Health Care & Hospice Supplier.

  •  All Ambassadors/Delegates should report to the Loft during homeroom now!

  •  All boarding students meet in refectory now