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Daily Announcements

Daily Announcements - Friday, Sept. 11, 2020

Marcia Wagner

We all have 2 lives. The second one starts when we realize we only have one.

  • Our Donor of the Day is Mark Orlandi. Mr. Orlandi is a 1969 graduate. We have been blessed with his kindness and generosity for decades. Mark celebrated his 50th class reunion last year. Please keep him in a special prayer of thanks today.

  • You can't miss it. The big blue cart is now in the Perino Science Center. This weekend please put aside a food item and bring it in on Monday for our hungry sisters and brothers.

  • Seniors: You will be taking the ACT on Oct 6th at St. Bede. Please review your John Baylor Prep materials so you can earn a score that reflects your true ability. A recommended study schedule was emailed to you earlier this week and again last night. This week, Sept 8th – 14th you should be reviewing English: Sessions 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B. Next week, Sept 14th – 21st you should be studying Math: Sessions 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, 6A and 6B. See your email for the full schedule.

  • A reminder to our newly elected Freshmen class representatives. Please meet in the Collaborative Room after school today for a brief meeting. An email was sent to you regarding this.

  • Brianda Cain please come to the Business Office

  • Stop by Mrs. Plankenhorn’s office to pick up your mask orders.