Daily Announcements - Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Marcia Wagner
Act locally. Whatever change you desire for the world, create that change in your own life.
Our Donor of the Day is Tom Pigati. Mr. Pigati is a 1969 graduate of St. Bede Academy. We are blessed with his kindness and generosity for decades. Mr. Pigati just celebrated his 50th class reunion. Please keep him in a special prayer of thanks today.
Please do not enter through the main doors of the church. Enter through the outside door, on the left, to the student chapel for class masses.
Attention Stage Rats: work session tonight at 7:30 in the gym.
It is Catholic Schools Week. Class masses and breakfasts begin today Period A with seniors. Juniors tomorrow, etc. Please be there right at the beginning for 1st period.
Boys' TEC the last weekend of February. See Fr. Ronald for an application or more information.
Lectio on Thursday for all groups. Newcomers welcome.
Habitat for Humanity home building on Saturday. Sign- up sheet on Fr. Ronald's door. See him for more information.
Jose Bejarano please come to the Business Office.
Mia Marquez please see Mrs. Morrow during homeroom.
Stephen Shaw please come to Mrs. Plankenhorn’s office.
Tuesday prayer group will not officially meet this morning, but remember that the small chapel across from room 115 is always open.