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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS Monday, December 6, 2021

Guest User

Today is the Feast of St. Nicholas.  The following is a quote from St. Nicholas of Myra.

“God, the giver of every good and perfect gift has called upon us to imitate
His giving.”

  • A reminder.  Please get toys and books here by this Wednesday.  We need to deliver them on Thursday, the 9th.

  • Thursday, we have the final lectio sessions of the semester.

  • One week from today, the 13th, Last Supper Club outing to Skoogs in Utica.  Sign-up sheet on Fr. Ronald's office door.  

  • Did you lose money on Friday?  See Fr. Ronald.

  • If you would like to win a gift card on this the feast of St. Nicholas, put your name on a paper and put it in the basket on the left of Fr. Ronald's door by Period H today.

  • All students should check their Saint Bede email for a link to a poll about the Spring Musical. We need you input to be able to choose a show that matches student interest. If you have any interest in participating be sure to fill out the form today. 

  • Stage Rats meet tonight at 7:30 p.m. in the gym---plenty of jobs to go around. We will also be discussing the musical

  • There will be a student government meeting for all members tomorrow, Tuesday, Dec. 7, during homeroom. Report to room 205.

  • Sophomore boys’ basketball will practice will be from 4:30-6 today. This is a change from the previous communication sent out by Coach Bima.

  • Tonight’s girls’ basketball home game has been cancelled.


  • Luke Story & Alyssa Schneider come to Mr. Harlow’s Office

  • Henry Mertel, Amie Tomaszewski bring your Chromebooks to Mr. Harlow’s office.