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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Friday, February 9, 2024

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 We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone. 

  • SAT Word of the Day:

    • negligent – adj. failing to do something; neglectful

      • His car’s backseat became full of McDonald’s bags due to his NEGLIGENT care.

  • Payment and permission forms for ski trip due on Monday.

  • Over the weekend consider getting some food to put in the Big Blue cart. We can't help everyone, but we can help some, in our area, who are hungry.

  • Did you know? Depending on the country Lunar New Year lasts around 2 weeks with different activities and traditions happening throughout. This year the holiday starts this Saturday, Feb 10th, and will end on Feb 24th. Generally, it is a time for family gatherings, good food, and wishes for a prosperous new year. Families visit their relatives and friends to wish them a happy new year and exchange gifts of money given in red envelopes. Red is an important color because it signifies fortune, luck, and vitality.

  • Heritage Club members coming to make paper lanterns for Lunar New Year need to arrive to room 204 by 2:50pm on Friday.

  • Softball players, please turn in fish fry money and lotto tickets by Monday.  Please check your email for your assigned time for working the fish fry.  A few additional parents are also needed to help.  See Mrs. Griggs if you have questions.

  • We have an exciting weekend of athletic events, beginning this afternoon. At 4:30pm, our Wrestlers Hunter Savage, Grady Gillan, and Garrett Connelly will be competing in the IHSA Sectional meet at Dekalb High School. Logan Pineda also advanced but is injured and cannot wrestle. Beginning at 5:30pm, our Boys Sophomore/Varsity Basketball host Henry-Senachwine. Saturday, 2/10/24, beginning at 8am, Boys Freshmen Basketball engages in a B team tournament, hosted at JFK School in Spring Valley. At 9am, our girls' bowlers Aubrey Acuncius and Maddy Fabish compete at the IHSA Girls Bowling Sectional, hosted at Mardi Gras Lanes in Dekalb. At 10am, the Wrestling Sectional continues, also in Dekalb, and at 11am, Boys Basketball plays in a Varsity/Sophomore/Freshman Tri-Header here in Abbot Vincent Gymnasium, 11am Boys Varsity vs DePue, 1pm, Boys Sophomore vs Dwight, and at 2:30pm, Boys Varsity vs Dwight! Then on Monday, wear your SBA Green and let's GREEN WAVE our section for our Girls Varsity Basketball team as they compete in the first round of the IHSA Regional Basketball Tournament at Marquette Academy. Game time is 6pm.


  • Khoa Tran please see Mrs. Makransky in the main office.

  • Landon Boggio, Trajan Raffety, Nathan Husser.  Please see Fr. Ronald, now, during homeroom.

  • Brody Hahn please see Mrs. Hurst in the main office now.

  • Will Seth & Gino Ferrari please stop by the main office now.