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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Thursday, January 25, 2024

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The most important things are almost never urgent. 

  • SAT Word of the Day: 

    • trounce – v. defeat heavily

      • The girls basketball team TROUNCED their opponent 50-18.

        • FUN FACT - this actually happened this season! If you can name who the Lady Bruins basketball team beat 50-18, see Mr. Steben for a prize. Limit 3 winners!

  • If you signed up for the Polar Plunge, check your school e-mail for directions on how to register on-line.  Not too late to sign up, if you haven't already done so. Sign-up sheet near Fr. Ronald's office.

  • Lectio tomorrow.  

  • Let's fill the Big Blue cart with food for our hungry sisters and brothers. 

  • Mrs. Griggs' E1 study hall will be held in room 204 today. 

  • Spring musical participants, please check google classroom.  There are 2 things that need to be completed before Sunday’s rehearsal at 2:30.  You need to complete the availability calendar for February and download the app to practice music.

  • There will be Scholastic Bowl practice after school today in the Art Room.

  • WYSE permission slips need to be picked up from Mr Fitz.  Come by during homeroom or find him during the day to get yours.  Amy Tran, Gordon, Arthur, Amie Tomaszewski, Victoria, Tyler, Kylie, Andrea.


  • Alex Ankiewicz, Faith Ankiewicz, Quinn McClain, and Lili McClain, please report to Mr. Steben’s office.

  • Kenneth Mudge and Trajan Raffety please see Mrs. Hurst in the main office now.